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Jenkins Update Center Mirror Proxy

The proxy is a HTTP server which serve for several different Jenkins Update Center sites.


The Mirror Proxy server has deployed to here.

Get started

Run it as demo on MacOS, please follow this:

make run

On Linux, please follow this:

make run-linux

On windows, please follow this:

make run-win

Copy the binary file from docker image: mirror_proxy_id=$(docker create && sudo docker cp $mirror_proxy_id:/mirror-proxy . && docker rm -v $mirror_proxy_id

Run in Docker

Run the Jenkins Update Center mirror proxy in docker:

make run-image

Given the certificate file:

docker run -v rootCA:/rootCA --cert /rootCA/demo.crt --key /rootCA/demo.key


The only API path is:

API Description
GET /update-center.json?version=2.190.2 Get the update-center.json which allows you give different query conditions
GET /json-servers Get all JSON servers
GET /providers Get all mirror storage providers
GET /providers/default Get the default mirror storage provider
GET /plugins/list?year=2020 Get the plugin list
GET /plugins?year=2020&name=TwilioNotifier Get the download data of a specific plugin
GET /status Get the server status

Update Center

Below are the query ways for the update center of the mirror:

Key Description
version The version of current Jenkins
mirror-experimental Indicate if you want to use the experimental of plugins
mirror-jsonServer Specific the JSON server
mirror-provider Specific the mirror storage provider

All keys come from query and header. Header value will override the query ones.