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A utility to query for information about a crate.

Feature set

  • Versions for a crate
  • Rust versions for dependencies
  • Setup limited clone for testing


Install the CLI using cargo install.

cargo install kdeets

Check program is available and the version installed.

$ kdeets --version
kdeets 0.1.13


The available commands can be seen by running the command with the help flag.

$ kdeets --help
Query for information about a crate.

Usage: kdeets [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  crate  Query for information about a crate
  rust   Query for maximum Rust version for a crate
  setup  Setup local registry for a crate
  help   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -v, --verbose...  Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...    Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help        Print help
  -V, --version     Print version

Versions for a crate (cmd: crate)

Display the key versions for the crate.

$ kdeets crate -h
Query for information about a crate

Usage: kdeets crate [OPTIONS] <CRATE>

  <CRATE>  The name of the crate

  -v, --verbose...  More output per occurrence
  -q, --quiet...    Less output per occurrence
  -e, --earliest    First version ever published. May be yanked
  -n, --normal      Returns crate version with the highest version number according to semver, but excludes pre-release and yanked versions
  -t, --top         The highest version as per semantic versioning specification
  -r, --recent      The last release by date, even if it’s yanked or less than highest version
  -l, --list        List all versions of the crate
  -k, --key         List key values (equivalent to `-entr`)
  -a, --all         List all versions and key values (equivalent to `-entrl`)
  -h, --help        Print help
  -V, --version     Print version

This command queries for information about a crate and reports based on the options selected. tracks for each crate the following versions:

  • earliest: The first version ever published. May be yanked.
  • normal: Returns crate version with the highest version number according to semver, but excludes pre-release and yanked versions.
  • top: The highest version as per semantic versioning specification.
  • recent: The last release by date, even if it’s yanked or less than highest version.

The key option lists all of these versions (equivalent to -entr).

The command can create a table listing the yank status and version for all versions of the crate.

The all option lists all versions and key values (equivalent to -entrl).

$ kdeets --no-colour crate -entrl some_crate

 Crate versions for some_crate.
   Earliest version: 0.1.0
   Highest normal version: 0.2.1
   Highest version: 0.2.1
   Most recent version: 0.2.1
    Yanked  Version 
       No     0.1.0
       No     0.1.1
       No     0.1.3
       No     0.2.1


Licensed under the MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or