This project contains a selenium IDE format that outputs the recorded selenium script in scala and more specifically for Specs2.
For those not familiar Selenium is a framework for writing integration tests of web-applications. It contains drivers for opening browsers and driving the browser as well as making assertions and verifications of elements on the page. Since it uses the actual browser it can verify that all browser correctly handle the web application.
Selenium IDE is a firefox browser plugin that allows test script development by recording a users input and allowing the script to be re-run and tuned. It allows the scripts to be exported in several formats including Java, RSpec and now Specs2.
- Install Firefox Selenium IDE plugins:
- Select Tools > Selenium IDE menu item
- Select Options > Options... menu item
- Click Formats tab
- Click Add button
- Copy and paste contents of into the text area of new dialog
- Click Save (note: Depending on selenium version You may not see new format until you close the Options dialog and re-open it)
To run the exported tests you need to add the dependencies in
The output format uses comments to provide the output format with metadata on how to create the specs. The current rules are:
- If a comment starts with a - that line indicates the start of a new fragment
More rules will be added in the future for formatting etc...
The selenium script
is exported as the following code:
package com.example.tests
import org.specs2._
import matcher.ThrownExpectations
import specification.Step
import Thread._
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverBackedSelenium
class `Google Search` extends Specification with ThrownExpectations {
lazy val selenium = new WebDriverBackedSelenium(new org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver(), "")
def is =
sequential ^
"This specification tests Google Search" ^ Step(() => selenium) ^
"Searching for toys should return a toys r us result" ! scala_specs2_1^
"clicking the Bilder link should open the results for images search" ! scala_specs2_2 ^
Step(selenium.stop()) ^
def scala_specs2_1 = {
import selenium._
`type`("q", "toys")
isTextPresent("Toys\"R\"Us") must beTrue
def scala_specs2_2 = {
import selenium._
isTextPresent("Verwandte Suchanfragen") must beTrue
val TIMEOUT = 30
private def doWait(assertion: => Boolean) =
(1 to TIMEOUT).view map {_=> sleep(1000)} find { _ => assertion }