This is project is a client side web page, created using:
- Vue 3 Composition API
- Vue Router
- Skeleton loader
- API Calls
- Responsive Desing
- Pinia global store
- Custom hook
- Search bar
- Grid layout
- To run this project you need:
- NodeJS
- Vue JS (Min. Ver. 3.0)
Once you have that, you're ready to go
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd AnimeAPI
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the development server
npm run serve
To deploy this project run
npm run build
Contributions are always welcome!
Please send a message if you're interested in contributing to the proyect.
Jesus Alberto - @LinkedIn
This project helped me understand the composition API of Vue 3, I learned how to create and reuse components, make calls to public APIs, manage information between components, the use of the Vue Router, and finally how to use Pinia and a custom hook to display information to the diferent parts of the application.