The purpose of the Coversheets is to add a front and/or back covering page to a PDF document uploaded to an EPrints repository.
Coversheets work by using a user-defined Apache OpenOffice coversheet template uploaded to your EPrints repository. This template is then populated with the predefined attributes for the particular EPrint, before being attached to the front (or if specified, back) of any PDF documents uploaded for that EPrint.
See EPrints wiki page to discover how to configure the module.
In order to install from you must have gitaar up and running on your EPrints.
cd to your eprints3 base root
pull in git-hosted package
git submodule add lib/epm/coversheets
generate coversheets.epmi
gitaar/gitaar build_epmi YOUR_ARCHIVE coversheets
install coversheets.epmi
tools/epm link_lib coversheets
enable coversheets.epmi
tools/epm enable YOUR_ARCHIVE coversheets
regenerate everything
generate_static --prune YOUR_ARCHIVE && generate_abstracts YOUR_ARCHIVE && generate_views YOUR_ARCHIVE && epadmin reload YOUR_ARCHIVE
restart your webserver