Version: 0.4 (Beta) EPrints version: 3.2+
This EPrints extension is designed to help the administrators of repositories that contain outputs from EU FP7/H2020 funded projects to achieve compliance with the OpenAIRE Guidelines version 3.0.
In summary, these guidelines state that the outputs from FP7 and H2020 projects must be made avaiable for harvesting via OAI-PMH using a defined set specification. In addition these outputs should meet certain standards in their metadata as defined in the guidelines document.
For installation instructions see the instructions below.
Note: this plug-in has been forked from the openaire-compliance 0.3 version. It introduces the FP7/H2020 option and a user friendly way to add the metatada to build the project namespace at info:eu-repo
The interface
The relative portion in OAI-PMH push
<dc:relation>info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/FP7/123456/EU/A sample of EU project/EUPSAM</dc:relation>
This add-on will:
- Add new metadata fields for EU FP7/H2020 specific elements
- Map the default EPrints data types to their DRIVER equivalents
- Create a new custom set within the OAI-PMH output of the repository called openaire and containing all resources that are flagged as being outputs of FP7 and H2020 projects
- Add required metadata to the OAI-PMH output
- Check if any files have an embargo date specified (and are restricted access) and alter the rights field in OAI-PMH output to reflect this
This add-on will not:
- Check whether items flagged as outputs of FP7/H2020 projects have a Project ID specified in the correct format before including them in the openaire set
- Check whether items flagged as outputs of FP7/H2020 projects have full text available before including them in the EC_fundedresources set
- Check whether items flagged as outputs of FP7/H2020 projects have all required metadata set (e.g. DC.rights)
This is due to the fact that EPrints custom sets can only currently filter on a single metadata value (in this case we're using the flag that states that the resource is form an FP7/H2020 funded project).
Download the latest release to your local repository directory (eg. [eprints_root]/archives/ARCHIVEID/).
Extract files:
Add the new metadata fields to your database:
cd [eprints_root]/bin
./epadmin update_database_structure ARCHIVEID --verbose
To activate the OpenAIRE compliance features you will need to make some changes to your repository setup.
In file cfg/cfg.d/ add the following lines:
# Map Eprints type to DRIVER type
my %type_map = (
"article" => "info:eu-repo/semantics/article",
"book_section" => "info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart",
"monograph" => "info:eu-repo/semantics/book",
"conference_item" => "info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject",
"book" => "info:eu-repo/semantics/book",
"patent" => "info:eu-repo/semantics/patent"
my $mapped_type = (exists $type_map{$type}) ? $type_map{$type} : "info:eu-repo/semantics/other";
$eprint->set_value("eu_type", $mapped_type)
In file cfg/cfg.d/ add this line:
$data->{eu_project} = "no";
In file cfg/workflows/eprint/default.xml add the following lines before the closing tag:
<stage name="openaire">
<component show_help="always" type="Field::Multi">
<title>Details for EU project outputs</title>`
<field ref="eu_project" required="yes"/>
<field ref="eu_project_fundingprogramme"/>
<field ref="eu_project_id"/>
<field ref="eu_project_name"/>
<field ref="eu_project_acronym"/>
<field ref="access_rights"/>
And add the following line to the element (near the start of the file) to place the new FP7 stage where you feelit will be most appropriate for your workflow:
<stage ref="openaire"/>
<stage ref="type"/>
<stage ref="files"/>
<stage ref="core"/>
<stage ref="subjects"/>
<stage ref="openaire"/>
Restart apache to ensure that all the changes are applied.
If you have already installed the 0.3 version of plugin there are few more tricks to do for upgrading to 0.4
- Go your archive database, from the mysql shell or phpmyadmin, and launch these queries:
ALTER TABLE `eprint` CHANGE `fp7_project` `eu_project` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `eprint` CHANGE `fp7_project_id` `eu_project_id` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `eprint` CHANGE `fp7_type` `eu_type` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL ;
- Unzip the package in you archive directory, then update your database:
cd [eprints_root]/bin
./epadmin update_database_structure ARCHIVEID --verbose
this will add the new fields without editing the old ones.
- In archiveid/cfg/cfg.d/eprints_field_automatic.xml
Change this line from:
$eprint->set_value("fp7_type", $mapped_type)
$eprint->set_value("eu_type", $mapped_type)
- In archiveid/cfg/cfg.d/ add:
$data->{eu_project} = "no";
- Then in archiveid/cfg/workflow/eprint/default.xml Change this line from:
<stage ref="fp7"/>
<stage ref="openaire"/>
And these lines:
<stage name="fp7">
<component type="Field::Multi">
<title>Details for FP7 project outputs</title>
<field ref="fp7_project"/>
<field ref="fp7_project_id"/>
<field ref="access_rights"/>
<stage name="openaire">
<component show_help="always" type="Field::Multi">
<title>Details for EU project outputs</title>`
<field ref="eu_project" required="yes"/>
<field ref="eu_project_fundingprogramme"/>
<field ref="eu_project_id"/>
<field ref="eu_project_name"/>
<field ref="eu_project_acronym"/>
<field ref="access_rights"/>
6) IMPORTANT, Delete the old plugin files:archiveid/cfg/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Export/
Reload configuration and restart apache
I find that programming in PERL is slightly frustrating, I had to thank for the help in the debugging of this plugin: jesusbagpuss.