is a wrapper around google-api-ruby-client.
It allows you to get information about the spreadsheet and format it.
Currently, gem consists of two classes GoogleDocs::SpreadSheet
and GoogleDocs::Sheet
and uses Sheets API V4
Main features:
- Set up columns width
- Update grid properties of the sheet (freeze columns/rows)
- Update and format cells
- Merge/unmerge cells in the given range
- Export google sheet documents as PDF
- Read information from certain sheet
In order to use our gem your application should have configured Google OmniAuth already. Also you should configure Google Sheet API
You can add it to your Gemfile with:
gem 'google_docs'
Then run bundle install
Initialize new object of GoogleDocs::SpreadSheet
spreadsheet ='some_google_access_token', 'some_spreadsheet_id')
After successfull intialization we can call the following methods:
returns properties of the spreadsheetspreadsheet.sheets
get all sheets of the spreadsheet.
If you want to get sheet directly by key:
sheet = required, sheet_id: required, google_access_token: required)
By default, after object initialization there are no modification request to be executed.
You should prepare requests and only then call sheet.apply_changes!
to send requests.
To add requests you can run following methods:
- build request to set up columns width. Argumentdata
should have the following format:{ 'A' => integer, 'D' => integer, ... }
The keys of hash are the columns letters and values of hash - width in pixels for these names in sheet respectively. For instance, suppose, you have the following sheet:
and our data are the following:
{ 'A' => 50, 'B' => 150, 'C' => 150, 'D' => 100, 'E' => 50, 'F' => 100, 'G' => 700 }
- build request to update properties of the sheet, i.e. to freeze rows and columns while user is scrolling document. Argumentprops
must have the following format:{ row_count: integer, column_count: integer, frozen_row_count: integer, frozen_column_count: integer, hide_gridlines: boolean }
For instance, suppose, you have the following data:
props = { row_count: 7, column_count: 7, frozen_row_count: 2, frozen_column_count: 1, hide_gridlines: true }
- build request to update all cells in a range with new data. Argumentdata
is an array with rows. Each row is an array of cells. Cell can be a String, Number, Boolean or Hash. When the value of cell starts from '=' it will be sent as formula. When cell is a Hash it can contain additional formatting options. Schema of thedata
attribute:[ [ { value: 'any cell value' borders: { left, right, top, bottom: { style: :dotted, :dashed, :solid, :double width: 1..3 color: '#RRGGBB' } } background_color: '#RRGGBB' horizontal_alignment: :left, :center, :right vertical_alignment: :top, :middle, :bottom hyperlink_display_type: :linked, :plain_text wrap_strategy: :overflow_cell, :legacy_wrap, :clip, :wrap text_direction: :left_to_right, :right_to_left number_format: { type: :text, :number, :percent, :currency, :date, :time, :datetime, :scientific pattern: "#,##0.0000" } text_format: { foreground_color: '#RRGGBB' font_family: 'Terminus' font_size: integer bold: boolean italic: boolean strikethrough: boolean underline: boolean } }, 'string cell', number_cell ], # new row [ {cell 1}, {cell 2}, ... {cell n} ] ]
For instance, data could look like:
data = [ [{ value: 'books', background_color: '#f1c232', text_format: { bold: true }, horizontal_alignment: :left, borders: { bottom: { style: :solid, width: 3, color: '#RRGGBB' }, right: { style: :solid, width: 3, color: '#RRGGBB' } } } ], [ { value: 'id', background_color: '#b7b7b7', text_format: { bold: true }, horizontal_alignment: :right }, { value: 'author', background_color: '#b7b7b7', text_format: { bold: true }, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: 'title', background_color: '#b7b7b7', text_format: { bold: true }, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: 'genre', background_color: '#b7b7b7', text_format: { bold: true }, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: 'price', background_color: '#b7b7b7', text_format: { bold: true }, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: 'publish_date', background_color: '#b7b7b7', text_format: { bold: true }, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: 'description', background_color: '#b7b7b7', text_format: { bold: true }, horizontal_alignment: :center } ], [ { value: 'bk101', text_format: { foreground_color: '#0143DF' }, horizontal_alignment: :right }, { value: 'Gambardella, Matthew', text_format: { italic: true }, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: "XML Developer's Guide", text_format: { underline: true }, number_format: { type: :text }, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: 'Computer', text_format: { bold: true }, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: 44.95, number_format: { type: :currency }, text_format: { strikethrough: true, foreground_color: '#FF0000' }, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: '10/01/2000', number_format: { type: :date}, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: 'An in-depth look at creating applications', text_format: { font_family: 'Courier New' }, horizontal_alignment: :left }, ], [ { value: 'bk102', text_format: { foreground_color: '#0143DF' }, horizontal_alignment: :right }, { value: 'Ralls, Kim', text_format: { italic: true }, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: "Midnight Rain", text_format: { underline: true }, number_format: { type: :text }, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: 'Fantasy', text_format: { bold: true }, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: 10.99, number_format: { type: :currency }, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: '16/12/2000', number_format: { type: :date}, horizontal_alignment: :center }, { value: 'A former architect battles corporate zombies, an evil sorceress', text_format: { font_family: 'Courier New' }, horizontal_alignment: :left }, ] ]
- build request to merge cells in the given range. Index count starts from 0. Argumentprops
has the following format:{ type: :merge_all, :merge_columns, :merge_rows range: { start_row_index: integer, end_row_index: integer, start_column_index: integer, end_column_index: integer } }
For instance,
props = { type: :merge_rows, range: { start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 7 } }
- build request to unmerge cells in the given range, where argumentrange
has the following format:{ start_row_index: integer, end_row_index: integer, start_column_index: integer, end_column_index: integer }
- execute all reguests. -
- read information from each row in the sheet. Output example:[ ["books"], ["id", "author", "title", "genre", "price", "publish_date", "description"], ["bk101", "Gambardella, Matthew", "XML Developer's Guide", "Computer", "44.95", "2000-10-01", "An in-depth look at creating applications"], ["bk102", "Ralls, Kim", "Midnight Rain", "Fantasy", "5.95", "2000-12-16", "A former architect battles corporate zombies, an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen of the world"], ["bk103", "Corets, Eva", "Maeve Ascendant", "Fantasy", "5.95", "2000-11-17", "After the collapse of a nanotechnology society in England, the young survivors lay the foundation for a new society"], ["bk104", "Thurman, Paula", "Splish Splash", "Romance", "4.95", "2000-11-02", "A deep sea diver finds true love twenty thousand leagues beneath the sea"], ["bk105", "Kress, Peter", "Paradox Lost", "Science Fiction", "6.95", "2000-11-02", "After an inadvertant trip through a Heisenberg Uncertainty Device, James Salway discovers the problems of being quantum"] ]
sheet.download_pdf { |file| model.update(attachment: file) }
- export google sheet document as PDF
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Everyone interacting in the ApolloUploadServer project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.
ApolloUploadServer is maintained and founded by JetRuby Agency.
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