To run the game from eclipse just press the Run button. A menu will apear and then just enter the number one as the option to play is the number one.
To make moves a bit of chess notation is necessary. Each turn you will be asked to enter the next move in a simpler form of chess notation or just an "X" to falg that you surrender. The format of the chess notation I chose is:
[Piece identifier](column of the piece)[destination square]
The column of the piece is an optional argument when there is only a piece of that type that can do that move. Use it better when to pieces of the same type can go to the same place.
- The pawn = "" nothing
- The rook = "R"
- The bishop = "B"
- The knight = "N"
- The queen = "Q"
- The king = "K"
The valid squares start at "a1" all the way to "h1" going up till "h8"
- Move a knight to the square c3 = "Nc3"
- Move a pawn to e4 = "e4"
- The movement castle isn't in this version.
- There is no option to choose the piece the pawn promotes to. It will promote to a queen in this version.
- You need to kill the king to win.