The posixutils package is a collection of the utilities specified in the Single Unix Specification v3 (SuSv3).
This project asks the question:
What happens when the familiar shell utilities -- cp, rm, mv, etc. -- are written in modern C++, with full access to the C++11 compiler and library?
This project has been superceded by
posixutils home page (untouched for years):
posixutils source code repository, git protocol:
The SuSv3 specification is available online at
and the full list of all utilities we plan to implement is at
Using the full power of C++11 compiler and standard library, including templates, threads, atomics and more.
race-free userland (as near as possible given the POSIX file interface and the kernel, anyway)
clean, maintainable codebase targetted at >=32-bit machines. avoid #ifdefs. When a utility is not often used, such as compress(1), readability, and maintainability are considered more important than performance.
correctness is always more important than performance.
stay as close to the SuSv3 specification as possible. avoid frivolous feature addition, with two exceptions: a) common legacy features b) popular GNU utils features
Initial OS target is Linux, and use of Linux-specific features is encouraged. On the other hand, porting to another OS is also encouraged.