Use the standard Radiant extension installation process:
./script/extension install tei_tools
To add the default XSLT configuration option:
rake radiant:extensions:tei_tools:migrate
The TEI Tools extension requires ruby-xslt for the transformation.
This extension includes a copy of the TEI Consortium's example XSLT for transforming TEI into XHTML. You may change the default XSLT using the 'tei_tools.xslt' config setting.
We recommend putting your TEI document in its own part. By default, the tei:render tag looks for the TEI document in the 'tei' part.
Parameters for the XSLT processor can be placed in a 'tei_params' part.
These are hierarchical, so you can have this part in a higher-level
page and just override the parameters needed for a particular TEI document.
This tag transforms the TEI into XHTML and extracts the /html/body content.
The 'xslt' attribute overrides the default XSLT for the transformation. If the file is a relative path, it will be relative to the application root.
The 'part' attribute overrides the default part name ('tei') used in the transformation.
To render a part called 'xml' with the default XSLT:
<r:tei:render part="xml" />
This part is not rendered, but is parsed as a simple configuration with the parameter name and value on a line separated by a colon. Blank lines and lines starting with a hash (#) are ignored.
The name of the part is the same as the part being rendered with the added suffix of '_params'. For example, if rendering a part named 'tei', then the parameters are taken from a part named 'tei_params'.
The settings in the ..._params of a child page override the same settings in a parent page.
The following is an example of what can be in the '..._params' part:
## Comments (lines beginning with '#') and blank lines are ignored
## Display of <pb> element. Choices are "visible", "active" and "none".
pagebreakStyle: visible
## CSS class for TOC entries
class_toc: toc
## CSS class for second-level TOC entries
class_subtoc: subtoc
## Depth at which to stop doing a recursive table of contents.
## You can have a mini table of contents at the start of each section. The default is only to
## construct a TOC at the top level; a value of -1 here means no subtoc at all.
subTocDepth: -1
## Depth to which table of contents is constructed.
tocDepth: 5
## Which HTML element to wrap each TOCs entry in.
tocElement: li
## Which HTML element to wrap each TOC sections in.
tocContainerElement: ul
## CSS class for links derived from <ptr>
class_ptr: ptr
## CSS class for links derived from <ref>
class_ref: ref
## CSS class for links derived from <xptr>
class_xptr: xptr
## CSS class for links derived from <xref>
class_xref: xref
## Resolution of images. This is needed to calculate HTML width and height (in pixels)
## from supplied dimensions.
dpi: 96
## Display figures
showFigures: true
## The difference between TEI div levels and HTML headings.
## TEI <div>s are implicitly or explicitly numbered from 0 upwards; this offset is added
## to that number to produce an HTML <Hn> element. So a value of 2 here means that a
## <div0> will generate an <h2>
divOffset: 2
## Automatically number paragraphs.
numberParagraphs: false
## The style of HTML (Simple, CSS or Table) which creates the layout for generated pages.
## The choice is between
## Simple -- A linear presentation is created
## CSS -- The page is created as a series of nested <div>s which can be arranged using
## CSS into a multicolumn layout
## Table -- The page is created as an HTML table
pageLayout: CSS
## Directory specification to put before names of graphics files, unless they start with "./"
## Default file suffix for graphics files, if not directly specified
graphicsSuffix: .png
## Scaling of imported graphics
standardScale: 1
## Name of department within institution
## Name of link to home page of application
homeLabel: Home
## Project Home
homeWords: Short Name
## Institution
institution: Institution
## Institution link
## Name of overall institution
parentWords: Parent Institution
## Link to search application
## The home page of the tei xslt stylesheets