This repository implements "A Self-Supervised Learning-Based Channel Estimation for IRS-Aided Communication Without Ground Truth". The code runs on Python 3.6.4 with PyTorch 1.0.1.post2 and torchvision 0.2.2.
First download the dataset from, and save it in the /data/ folder. One can also generate IRS channel data from other open source Repo. like:
Please use Anaconda to install all the dependencies:
conda env create -f environment.yml
You can run the following command to run our code to train a neuranl network for Channel Estimation in IRS-Aided Communication System Without Ground Truth, and save the results in the /results/ folder.
nohup python --data_dir ../Data/ --log_dir ../logs/ -c configs/channel_estimation.yaml --ckpt_dir ~/.cache/ --hide_progress --method sim_x --SNR 0.0 --std 0.5
To run the main script, at least 2 GPUs are required.
--method: The training method. method == sim_x: use our self-supervised learning method; method == supervise, use supervised learning.
--SNR: Transmit signal to noise ratio.
--std: Standard deviation of the noise added to the received signal
The results will be saved at /results.
You also can run the following .sh file to reproduce our experimental results.
nohup bash
We appreciate it if you would please cite the following paper if you found the repository useful for your work:
title={A Self-Supervised Learning-Based Channel Estimation for IRS-Aided Communication Without Ground Truth},
author={Zhengming Zhang, Taotao Ji, Haoqing Shi, Chunguo Li, Yongming Huang, Luxi Yang}