Location Based Entertainment / Shared Space / Free Roam / Shared Spatial Anchors / multiplayer
HTC VIVE Focus 3
SDK README Unity - Unreal - 支持空间尺寸: 33m*30m = 1000m^2
Pico 4 Enterprise / NEO 3 Enterprise
SDK README Unity Advanced Guardian Example Unreal by blueprints 支持空间尺寸: 20m*20m = 400m^2
Meta Quest Pro / 2:目前没有统一的web入口,只有这个blog
SDK README Unity Shared Spatial Anchors Unreal Shared Spaces 使用锚点分享,不是marker识别技术,精度取决于离公共锚点距离
Pimax Crystal QLED [待补充]
pc-powered HP Reverb G2 / G2 Omnicept Edition
Where should I begin with learning how to build immersive experiences for use with the Windows Mixed Reality platform or other virtual reality devices? Begin your native development journey by getting acquainted with OpenXR, which can be used to develop unique immersive experiences with on any Windows Mixed Reality immersive VR headset. OpenXR is an open royalty-free API standard from Khronos, providing engines with native access to various devices across the mixed reality spectrum.
- 外置摄像头: antilatency
- 第三方点云比对: EasyAR MEGA
- 游戏: zerolatencyvr
- 展览: horizon kheops、The Infinite
- 想要获得摄像头数据需要额外付费
- 所有方案基本上也是各家在做各家,无法通用
- 即使使用一体机,想要实现大尺度复杂模型空间游走,也可能需要使用串流
- 北京嘉境天禾科技有限责任公司 ixdera.com