A windows tensorrt env uses mmdeploy trained models, normal mask-rcnn as the example test.
The following are the steps to deploy a mmdeploy mask-rcnn models. The most important feature of this project is that I copy out mmdeploy plugins and the codes are all tensorrt-based. The origin mmdeploy env is packaged too much, So hard to learn.
windows env, vs2019 and clion2022.2, cuda10.2 and cudnn8.4.1.50_cuda10.2
- TensorRT-
- Opencv460
- mmdeploy 0.6.0
- mmdetection 2.25.0
- mmcv 1.5.3
The onnx file is generated by the tensorrt static config. And need fold constants
$ python tools/onnx2tensorrt.py configs/mmdet/instance-seg/instance-seg_tensorrt_static.....
$ polygraphy surgeon sanitize end2end.onnx --fold-constants -o end2end_folded.onnx
Normal mask-rcnn model only uses "TRTBatchedNMS" and "MMCVMultiLevelRoiAlign". So I create these two plugins.
And now we need to convert the onnx file to binary tensorrt engine.
$ ..\TensorRT-\bin\trtexec.exe --onnx=end2end_folded.onnx --saveEngine=res18_maskrcnn.engine --plugins=..\TensorRT-\bin\trtbatchednms.dll --plugins=..\TensorRT-\bin\mmcvmultilevelroialign.dll --explicitBatch --tacticSources=-cublasLt,+cublas
I load the plugin dlls in the code.
void* handle_nms = LoadLibrary("trtbatchednms.dll");
void* handle_roi = LoadLibrary("mmcvmultilevelroialign.dll");
- cmakelist is copy from tensorrtx yolov5, https://github.com/wang-xinyu/tensorrtx
- cmakelist should add NOMINMAX to avoid some mistakes on windows 10.
- static and shared library.
- cuh is copy from mmdeploy third party dir.
- clion cmake compiler use "Visual Studio 16 2019"