Created at: SwampHacks 2016
Created by: Prithviraj Ammanabrolu, Matthew Chan, Jesse Huang, Shen(Caden) Jiang, Deb Banerji
Labyrinth is a multiplayer survival game developed with Unity for Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux and mobile devices (in the near future). In the game, players control either a monster or a human who attempts to survive for 90 seconds.
Monsters must catch all the humans in the game before the time limit is over and have a special power specific to the monster. Humans must avoid being caught until time is up. Game supports a maximum of 3 players.
The game can be played in two different modes - Minotaur and Alien, selected at the main screen. The defining feature in each mode is the monster character. The minotaur is able to dash while the alien is able to shoot a projectile that acts like a tractor beam.
Developed with Unity 5.3.1.
First public showcase: January 24, 2016.