I am a tech enthusiast and a dedicated Full Stack Developer specializing in Go (Golang), my favorite programming language due to its efficiency in backend development. I am skilled in Python, PHP, React, TypeScript, SQL and actively explore cutting-edge technologies. My work incorporates Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS).
Did you know? The shortest reign of any monarch was that of Louis XIX of France, who abdicated after just 20 minutes on the throne!
type Developer struct {
Pronouns string
Code []string
Tools []string
Architecture []string
var jibe = Developer{
Pronouns: "he/him",
Code: []string{"Go", "Python", "TypeScript", "PHP"},
Tools: []string{"React", "Redux", "Symfony", "Gin, "Docker"},
Architecture: []string{"microservices", "event-driven", "domain driven design", "large language model"},
I love connecting with different people. If you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! Feel free to reach out through any of the platforms below: