Hello, my name is Jinjae Kim. Nice to meet you :)
I am a student studying to become an AI developer. I am expected to graduate from Kookmin University in February, 2025. I have experience studying Time Series and writing papers related to the field.
Currently, I am also studying Natural Language Processing (NLP). I maintain a broad range of interests related to AI and consistently seek to expand my knowledge.
Duration | School | Status |
2018.03 ~ | 국민대학교 | (수료) 경영학전공 / 소프트웨어전공 |
2014.03 ~ 2017.02 | 대원외국어고등학교 | (졸업) 중국어과 |
Duration | Name | Result |
2024.09 ~ 2024.12 | AI반도체 기술인재 선발대회 | sLLM/sLM 분야 본선진출 |
2024.08 ~ | GDG on Campus, Kookmin | Organizer |
2024.08 ~ 2025.02 | 네이버 AI Tech 부스트캠프 7기 | NLP Track 수료 |
2024.05 ~ 2024.10 | 제3회 ETRI 휴먼이해 인공지능 논문경진대회 | 최우수상 (과기부장관상) |
2023.12 ~ 2024.01 | 학부 동계 연구 인턴십 | Time Series |
2023.08 ~ 2024.07 | GDSC Kookmin University | University Lead |
2023.05 ~ 2023.10 | 2023 장애인 분야 해커톤 대회 | 본선 입선상 |
2023.01 ~ 2023.06 | 2023 KMUCS 다학제간캡스톤디자인 | 장려상 |
2023.01 ~ 2023.04 | 2023 GDSC Solution Challenge | |
2022.08 ~ 2023.07 | GDSC Kookmin University | Core Member |
2022.01 ~ 2022.01 | 42 Seoul 6기 | La Piscine |
More experiences can be found in my CV.