Priority Queue for Go with Generic support
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new priority queue
pq := prioritize.NewPriorityQueue[string](nil)
// Add some items
pq.Push(prioritize.NewItem[string]("foo", 1))
pq.Push(prioritize.NewItem[string]("bar", 2))
pq.Push(prioritize.NewItem[string]("baz", 3))
// Pop the highest priority item
item := pq.Pop()
fmt.Println(item) // "baz"
// Pop the next highest priority item
item = pq.Pop()
fmt.Println(item) // "bar"
// Pop the next highest priority item
item = pq.Pop()
fmt.Println(item) // "foo"
// Pop the next highest priority item
item = pq.Pop()
fmt.Println(item) // nil (queue is empty)