[enhancement ] Use latest JDK AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.13 #229
[enhancement ] Move half/double chord leadsheet + duplicate song actions to Edit menu #226
[enhancement ] Add a way to show improvisation hints on the leadsheet #224
[enhancement ] Transform rhythm phrases, e.g. change hi-hat to ride on a given song part #222
[enhancement ] Export to Midi using mouse dragging from the Mix Console #221
[enhancement ] Add user tracks for e.g. melody/impro track(s) #219
[enhancement ] Add Midi learn capability for Midi remote commands #215
[enhancement ] Add possibility to customize instrument phrases on each song part #214
[enhancement ] Improve design of icons open/save/undo/redo/play etc. #212
[enhancement ] If song is changed while playing, automatically update the sequence when possible #211
[enhancement ] Add "Insert Section" action in the Chord LeadSheet popup menu #210
[enhancement ] Remove Check for update menu #209
[enhancement ] Pseudo arranger keyboard: enter chords via Midi to control JJazzLab playback (not pure realtime) #208
[enhancement ] Add a rhythm parameter to alter the velocity of individual drums instruments (eg "make hi-hat louder") #207
[enhancement ] Add possibility to show selected chord symbol as guitar chord diagrams or piano chords #206
[enhancement ] Add possibility to preview the different variations of a rhythm #205
[enhancement ] Delete style files from JJazzLab or explore rhythm folder of a specified rhythm #204
[enhancement ] Add copy/paste rhythm parameter value across song parts #197
[enhancement ] Enable RhythmParameter, ie with non enumerable values #196
[enhancement ] Improve design of mix console channels, knobs + slider #195
[enhancement ] Add commands to make playback jump to the next song part (or previous one) #193
[enhancement ] Add a way to take into account output synth audio latency #192
[enhancement ] Add way to compensate for the output synth audio latency #191
[enhancement ] Add piano keyboard to show backing track notes in real time #190
[enhancement ] Upgrade to AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.10-9 #187
[enhancement ] Add shortcut to stop and reset playback (shift-space) #184
[enhancement ] Remove the non-API/SPI classes from the online javadoc #176
[enhancement ][help wanted ] Add customizable Midi input remote commands (play/pause, stop, next song part, previous song part) #161
Bug Fixes:
[bug ] Playing bar in chordleadsheet editor sometimes hidden on first row (incorrect scroll) #227
[bug ] Build sequence exception when several song parts use an adapted rhythm #220
[bug ] Song mix file is ignored when the song contains an adapted rhythm #218
[bug ] Play selection on a chord leadsheet does not take into account the selected song part #189
[bug ][high priority ] In-place editors don't work with Dark Theme (mix console, song part name, ...) #188
[bug ] NullPointerException in some cases when changing RhythmProvider in Rhythm selection dialog #186
You can’t perform that action at this time.