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Slides: Starter boilerplate

Short or long description.



Project built with the framework reveal.js.

More information on GitHub

Installing dependencies

  • You have to install Lando

If Lando's tools does not work for you, there is another way. You must install the environment manually: XAMP, Node.JS, NPM or Yarn and Gulp CLI.

For more information visit:


  • If you work with Windows < 10. To execute the commands, I recommend installing Cygwin.
  • If you work with Windows 10. To execute the commands, I recommend installing WSL 2 with Ubuntu.
  • If you work with Windows 10. You need install the following package win-node-env.
  • I recommend installing the following IDE for PHP Programming: PHPStorm (recommended) or Visual Studio Code.

Project skeleton

├─ .husky/ # Husky directory (git-hooks)
├─ assets/
├─ gulp/
│  ├─ task/
│  └─ config.js # Paths and configuration Gulp system.
├─ public/
├─ .babelrc
├─ .editorconfig
├─ .gitignore
├─ .lando.yml
├─ .stylelintignore
├─ .stylelintrc
├─ commitlint.config.js
├─ gulpfile.babel.js
├─ package.json


  1. Run git clone slides-project
  2. Open the file and edit the GIT variable with the new repository. I recommend SSH connection. Example:
  3. Run sh
  4. For security. Open the file and edit the GIT variable to ~.
  5. Open the and rename the name of presentation, name of project and description.
  6. Open the lando.yml and rename the project and proxy name.
  7. Open the package.json and edit the name and description.
  8. Open the public/.well-known/security.txt and edit the canonical.
  9. Open the public/humans.txt and edit the last update.
  10. Open your terminal and browse to the root location of your project.
  11. Run $lando start.
    • The project has a .lando.yml file with all the environment settings.
    • The command starts the installation process when it finishes, you can see all the URLs to access.
  12. If required. Run: $lando npm install --save-dev or $lando yarn install --dev.
  13. If required. Run: $lando npm run prepare.
  14. If required. Run: $lando npm run gulp:prod.
  15. End. Happy developing.

Developing with NPM or Yarn and Gulp

  • Open your terminal and browse to the root location of your project.
  • To work with and compile your SASS and JS files on the fly start: $lando gulp, $lando npm run gulp:dev or $lando npm run gulp:prod
  • Gulp actions commands list:
    • $lando gulp clean Delete all files.
    • $lando gulp css Compile SASS to CSS and validate SASS according Stylelint. Not concat.
    • $lando gulp cssAssets Copy CSS assets to public directory.
    • $lando gulp copyCssFontawesome Copy Fontawesome CSS assets to public directory.
    • $lando gulp copyWebfontsFontawesome Copy Fontawesome webfont assets to public directory.
    • $lando gulp fontAssets Copy fonts assets to public directory.
    • $lando gulp fontawesome Copy fontawesome assets to public directory.
    • $lando gulp images Copy and minify image assets to public directory.
    • $lando gulp imagesAssets Copy and minify other image assets to public directory.
    • $lando gulp js Validate the code with JSHint. Minify the JS files.
    • $lando gulp jsAssets Copy JS assets to public directory.
    • $lando gulp jsCopy Copy another JS assets to public directory.
    • $lando gulp validate Validate JS with JSHint and SCSS according Stylelint.
    • $lando gulp validateJs Validate JS with JSHint.
    • $lando gulp validateScss Validate SCSS according Stylelint.
    • $lando gulp watch Compile SASS to CSS and concat and minify JS files in real-time.
  • NPM actions commands list:
    • $lando npm run prepare Enable Git hooks. Important: Run always after npm install.
    • $lando npm run gulp:dev Compile for development environment.
    • $lando npm run gulp:prod Compile for production environment.
    • $lando npm run gulp:validate Run validate JS and SCSS files.

Technologies and tools

The present project uses several technologies and tools for the automation and development process. For more information and learning visit the following links.

  1. Reveal.js
  2. Lando
  3. Docker
  4. Git
  5. Nginx
  6. Node.js
  7. NPM
  8. Yarn
  9. Gulp
  10. JSHint
  11. Stylelint
  12. Mark Otto's coding standards
  13. Fontawesome
  14. EditorConfig
  15. Husky
  16. Conventional Commits
  17. Commitlint
  18. Commitizen
  19. Human.txt
  20. Security.txt

Note: Thanks all people to work on these projects.


  1. It is very important that if you deploy the project to publish. The DocumentRoot on the VirtualHost has to point to the public/ directory.
  2. At the moment you can not update the gulp-imagemin package because it generates an error. I will investigate in the following commitments.
  3. You can not update the stylelint, stylelint-config-standard and stylelint-scss because gulp-stylelint package cannot work with them.

Others clarifications

  1. It is possible that on macOS the Gulp tasks do not run the correct form. In this case install NodeJS, NPM and Gulp-cli in your OS and execute the tasks outside the Docker containers.


More information on the following commits. If required.

Grettings @jjpeleato.