Simple parser for xdf-based binary files. Assumes the following format:
- list of streams (as dict) containing: streaminfo ('info'), datapoints ('time_series') and associated time stamps ('time_stamps')
Containing streams include:
- 'Progress': experiment progress markers
- 'Stick-Figure': pose landmarker model of the user (33 landmarks)
- [x,y,z,visibility] for each landmark -> 33*4=132 channels
- 'XSensDot Hydra#X': number of XSens streams (two each, including proper acceleration and quaternions) of four placed IMUs (twice ankles, twice hip)
- proper acceleration: [x,y,z,local_timestamp] (local_timestamp can be ignored)
- quaternions: [a,b,c,d,local_timestamp] (local_timestamp can be ignored)
More pyxdf examples: