Calculator for Azure Password Protection. The calculation for what passes as a valid password is difficult to comprehend so I attempted to make a calculator.
There are notably a few issues:
- the azure in-built password list is hidden. UPDATE: List was dumped and now been included in the tool!
- not all string substitions are given on the documentation
- SSPR can bypass reuse of old password, something I cannot account for
- License Requirement of P1 / P2
- Tenant name matching isn't done when validating passwords on an AD DS domain
| where OperationName == "Change password (self-service)"
| where ResultDescription == "PasswordDoesnotComplyFuzzyPolicy"
| extend User = tostring(parse_json(tostring(InitiatedBy.user)).userPrincipalName)
| summarize count() by User
| where count_ > 1
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