- Paginated table of provided api data {page size selection included} (ant design) / *** i found a potential bug on the pagination of antd, you can just choose the last page, is empty{delusionally you see the data of the page you was}, the previous one has the last element.
- Bar chart (Highcharts)
- On another branch(feature/#), started the implementation of Auth, with JWT, and the basic handling will be from server-side(is in an separate repo, that for now is private, because will be used in the college that i lecture, if someone needs access please let me know to set you a as a collab), at the end server-side app will be added in this monorepo
- Monorepo
- Redux state management
- GraphQL
- Jest unit tests
- Cypress e2e tests
// from root
sudo yarn install
// from root
yarn ui-start