is an experimental package that replaces Base.show_backtrace
with a clearer version that uses alignment and colors to reduce visual clutter and indicate module boundaries, and expands base paths so they are clickable.
] add ClearStacktrace
using ClearStacktrace
You can change these values to modify stack trace printing behavior:
# module name color cycler
ClearStacktrace.MODULECOLORS[] = [:light_blue, :light_yellow, :light_red, :light_green, :light_magenta, :light_cyan, :blue, :yellow, :red, :green, :magenta, :cyan]
# prints the full path for base files, making them much longer but clickable in VSCode, Atom, etc.
ClearStacktrace.EXPAND_BASE_PATHS[] = true
# prints ~ instead of the user directory
ClearStacktrace.CONTRACT_USER_DIR[] = true
# print line breaks between stack frames
ClearStacktrace.LINEBREAKS[] = true