npm install --save react-native-easy-router
import React from 'react'
import Router from 'react-native-easy-router'
import { Text, View } from 'react-native'
const First = ({ router }) => (
<View style={{ backgroundColor: 'white', flex: 1 }}>
<Text>First screen</Text>
<Text onPress={() => router.push.Second({ name: 'John' })}>Go forward</Text>
const Second = ({ router, name }) => (
<View style={{ backgroundColor: 'pink', flex: 1 }}>
<Text>Second screen</Text>
<Text>Hello {name}!</Text>
<Text onPress={() => router.pop()}>Go back</Text>
const routes = { First, Second }
const App = () => <Router routes={routes} initialRoute="First" />
export default App
You can see more usage examples in examples
Property | Type | Required | Description |
animations | object | custom animations | |
routes | object | required | route components keyed by route name |
initialRoute | string | required | initial route name |
router | function | function to get router object | |
disableHardwareBack | boolean | don't use Android back button to pop (default false) | |
onStackChange | function | function called after navigation stack changes | |
onBeforeStackChange | function | function called before navigation stack changes |
// Example
routes={{ First, Second }}
router={router => (this.router = router)}
Router object can be found in route component parameters or can be got from routerRef
Property | Type | Description |
pop | function(animation) | Pops the last screen |
push | object{key:function(parameters, animation)} | Object of functions to push new screen keyed by route name |
replace | object{key:function(parameters, animation)} | Object of functions to replace current screen keyed by route name |
reset | object{key:function(parameters, animation)} | Object of functions to reset the whole stack keyed by route name |
stack | array | List of routes in stack |
All functions return promises. Promise resolves when action finishes
// Example
router.pop({type:'top'}).then(() => console.log('Popped')
router.push.First({value:123}, {type:'top'}).then(() => console.log('Pushed'))
router.replace.Second({value:123}, {type:'top'}).then(() => console.log('Replaced'))
router.reset.First({value:123}, {type:'top'}).then(() => console.log('Reset'))
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | string | Id of route |
route | string | Route name |
params | object | Parameters passed to screen |
animation | object | Animation used to transition to this screen |
pop | function | Function to pop all screens until this |
replace | function | Function to replace all screens in stack after this |
// Example
router.stack[0].pop({ type: 'bottom' }).then(() => console.log('Popped to route'))
router.stack[0].replace.Second().then(() => console.log('Replaced'))
Property | Available values |
type | 'none', 'bottom','left', 'left-bottom', 'left-top' 'right', 'right-bottom', 'right-top' 'top', 'fade' |
duration | integer number in milliseconds |
easing | easing type from here ( |
When you set animation type to none
no animation is shown
// Example
router.pop({ type: 'bottom', duration: 500, easing: 'ease-in-out' })
Also you can pass your custom animation types to router. Where type is array consisting of:
Index | Type | Description |
0 | Object | Start position for in animation / end position for out animation |
1 | Object | Start position for out animation / end position for in animation |
2 | Boolean | Usage of native driver animation |
// Example
const animations = { 'skew' : [{ transform: [{ skewX: '90deg' }] }, { transform: [{ skewX: '0deg' }] }, false] }
<Router animations={animations} routes={First, Second} initialRoute="First"/>
// then
router.push.Second({}, { type: 'skew' })
The only limitation for custom animations is that the out animation useNativeDriver
property can't be different from the in animation useNativeDriver
// You can't push screen with animation like this
[{ transform: [{ skewX: '90deg' }] }, { transform: [{ skewX: '0deg' }]}, false]
// and then pop with animation like that
[{ opacity: 1}] }, { opacity:0}, true]
The onStackChange
event can be used to update your application state or UI when navigation occurs. It receives a single argument, the new stack
// Example
onStackChange={newStack => {
// Dispatch the new navigation stack to a store
dispatch({type: 'SET_ROUTER_STACK', payload: newStack})
The onBeforeStackChange
event can be used to synchronise your application UI with router transitions. It receives 3 arguments: the transition animation, the current stack and the target stack
// Example
onBeforeStackChange={(animation, oldStack, newStack) => {
// Assign the transition animation and screens to state
const fromScreen = fromStack[fromStack.length - 1].route
const toScreen = toStack[toStack.length - 1].route
this.setState({animation, fromScreen, toScreen})