Realistic data-driven renewable energy scenarios for stochastic grid operation problems
- on Summit load conda module
module load python/3.7.0-anaconda3-5.3.0
- clone and install pywtk, powerscenarios
git clone
git clone
cd powerscenarios
conda env update -n powerscenarios
source activate powerscenarios
cp patches/ ../pywtk/pywtk/ # needed patch for pywtk if using py3, or change print statements manually
cd ../pywtk/
python install
cd ../powerscenarios/
pip install -e .
conda install -c conda-forge gmaps # for visualization of grids (buses, wind sites, power lines, etc)
pip install cufflinks # for quick scenario plotting
set environment variable PYWTK_CACHE_DIR to where WIND Toolkit data is/should be stored
if data is missing it will be dowloaded from AWS as needed
e.g. on a local machine add to .bash_profile:
export PYWTK_CACHE_DIR=${HOME}/pywtk-data
- e.g. on Summit add to .bash_profile:
export PYWTK_CACHE_DIR=${PROJWORK}/csc359/pywtk-data
- notebook generate_scenarios.ipynb generates scenarios for TAMU or RTS grids
- modify config.yaml as needed and run
python config.yml
- Reynolds, AM., I. Satkauskas, J. Mack, D. Sigler, W. Jones. “Scenario creation and power-conditioning strategies for operating power grids with two-stage stochastic economic dispatch.” In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting
- D. Sigler, J. Maack, I. Satkauskas, M. Reynolds and W. Jones, "Scalable Transmission Expansion Under Uncertainty Using Three-stage Stochastic Optimization," 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), Washington, DC, USA, 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ISGT45199.2020.9087776.]