rinth is a lifted planning engine.
It features:
- A 2 GB/s Parser
- SQL based successor generation with SQLite3
- And not much else
It is technically, probably, complete, in that it can find a path from the initial state to goal. However, it is very feature-limited. As it can not handle most anything more complex than Gripper, one of the simplest domains.
To build the executable, simply run the following:
The resulting executable will be generated at ./rinth
To run tests, simply run the following:
make test
Example Output
gcc -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Isrc -Ithird_party -ggdb -O0 -flto -std=gnu17 -march=native -o testrunner src/misc.c
src/parse.c src/io.c src/expand.c src/log.c src/task.c src/state.c src/sql.c test/parse.c test/expand.c test/st
ate.c test/main.c -lm -lsqlite3
[==========] Running 29 test cases.
[ RUN ] state.equal
[ OK ] state.equal (852ns)
[ RUN ] parse.domain_empty
[ OK ] parse.domain_empty (421ns)
[==========] 29 test cases ran.
[ PASSED ] 29 tests.