StackRoulette is a mini-project that was born from an idea after reading yet another post saying that Node.js had to be used with MongoDB, and PHP with MySQL, and that there is only React, Angular and Vue for building webapps ...
I created StackRoulette to deconstruct these misconceptions and show that any front-end stack can be coupled with any back-end stack (at least, almost ^^)
This project is not intended to provide advices or best practice about what technologies you should use. It is just a 2-days projects developed for fun 😉.
I tried to be as exhaustive as possible, but I don't know everything, so ff you don't see your favorite language/framework/tool popping in the roulette, feel free to contribute and make a PR mentionning that you're adding a new technology.
Any improvement is also appreciated.
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint