This project implements a network task-manager for L4Re (version 2014053111; a snapshot is included in the repository). L4Re is a real-time capable microkernel OS; more info can be found at The OS, however, so far only supported static configurations, meaning all the tasks that should run on the system would have to be known before boot-up (actually even before image creation). This project enables the dynamic starting, stopping and transferring of tasks over the network during runtime.
The core, dom0 (found inside 'dom0-main'), can communicate with other dom0-instances running on different machines. Under the hood, it uses a modified version of Ned, and thus can send and understand all LUA-commands supported by Ned, e.g. for task creation and termination. In addition, it can send and receive binaries to and from other dom0-instances, in order to execute programs that are not present on the file system of the target machine.
In order to work, dom0 needs a modified version of l4re_kernel and Ned, found inside the directories 'dom0-l4re_kernel' and 'dom0-ned'. The differences to the original programs can be seen in the corresponding patchfiles inside 'l4re-modifications'. Furthermore, this directory contains the neccessary configuration to run a test scenario. The test scenario demonstrates all of the above mentioned features.
#dependencies (for debian)
sudo apt-get install make gawk g++ binutils pkg-config g++-multilib subversion dialog qemu
make -C l4re-snapshot-2014053111 setup
#select x86-32
make -C l4re-snapshot-2014053111/obj/fiasco/ia32 -j4
make -C l4re-snapshot-2014053111/obj/l4/x86 -j4
cp l4re-modifications/ l4re-snapshot-2014053111/obj/l4/x86
cat l4re-modifications/Makeconf.boot.add >> l4re-snapshot-2014053111/obj/l4/x86/conf/Makeconf.boot
make -C dom0-main/ O=../l4re-snapshot-2014053111/obj/l4/x86/
make -C dom0-ned/ O=../l4re-snapshot-2014053111/obj/l4/x86/
make -C dom0-l4re_kernel/ O=../l4re-snapshot-2014053111/obj/l4/x86/
cd l4re-snapshot-2014053111/obj/l4/x86