An experiment to play with AI methods in a browser, typescript, VUE.js environment.
I recommend using:
- Node.js -
- VSCode -
- TSLint Extension
- TSLint Vue Extension
- TypeScript Hero Exension
- Vetur Extension
- Yarn instead of npm -
- Vue-js Extension for Chrome -
Open the folder in Visual Studio Code.
Open a powershell command prompt on the source directory to make it easier to run commands. (You can also use the integrated powershell in VSCode, but I prefer external)
Run "yarn install" from the powershell prompt That should install everything else such as NPM and all the other node modules
"yarn dev" to start a test webserver on port 8080 (it will pick the next available port if that one's in use.) Then you can browse as usual.
"yarn jest" will run any unit tests in the project.
- Brent Owens
- GOAP initial implementation (for inspiration and as a starting point to begin)
- Goal Oriented Action Planning for a Smarter AI
- Ported from C#/Unity3D
- WarMage: Battlegrounds Team
- Jon, Paul, Jeremy, Tim, Aaron, Ken, David, Damon, and others I'm sure I've forgotten
- A*Star Pathfinding on a Grid (with diagonal support)
- Ported from Java
- Evan You - Vue.JS