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Cast for Laravel

This package provide cast for Laravel.

Version Compatibility

Laravel Eloquent Cast
5.8.x 1.x
6.x 1.x
7.x 1.x
8.x 2.x
9.x 2.x
10.x 2.x
11.x 2.x
12.x 2.x


You can install the package via composer:

composer require jn-jairo/laravel-cast

The CastServiceProvider will be automatically registered for you.


Both contract \JnJairo\Laravel\Cast\Contracts\Cast and facade \JnJairo\Laravel\Cast\Facades\Cast are available.

There are three methods Cast::cast(), Cast::castDb() and Cast::castJson().

  • Cast::cast() casts to PHP types
  • Cast::castDb() casts to database types
  • Cast::castJson() casts to json types

All methods accept three parameters mixed $value, string $type and optionally string $format.


print_r(Cast::cast('{"foo":"bar"}', 'array'));
    [foo] => bar

print_r(Cast::castDb(1234.555, 'decimal', '10:2'));
// 1234.56

print_r(Cast::castDb(['foo' => 'bar'], 'json'));
// {"foo":"bar"}

print_r(Cast::castJson(new DateTime('01 jan 2000'), 'date'));
// 2000-01-01

Types available

  • int, integer
  • float, real, double
  • decimal
  • bool, boolean
  • date
  • datetime
  • timestamp
  • json
  • array
  • object
  • collection
  • string, text
  • uuid
  • encrypted
  • compressed
  • base64
  • pipe
  • enum

Format parameter

  • decimal - precision:places,(up|down|ceiling|floor|half_up|half_down|half_even|half_odd|truncate). Example: 10:2,half_up, 10:2, 2, half_up. Default: 28:2,half_up. The decimal type uses the extension, to use this type run composer require php-decimal/php-decimal:^1.1 and install the decimal extension.
  • date - Example: Y-m-d. Default: Y-m-d.
  • datetime, timestamp - Example: Y-m-d H:i:s. Default: Y-m-d H:i:s.
  • uuid - (uuid1|uuid4|ordered). Example: uuid1. Default: uuid4. Empty string value will return a new UUID. To use ordered UUID format run composer require moontoast/math:^1.1.
  • encrypted - (one|all),base64:key,cipher. Empty key and cipher uses the laravel configuration app.key and app.cipher. Example: base64:N38XBrdzg505959nDEqefo6fNpeTmGy0wTBHRSxrpcQ=,aes-256-cbc. Default: one.
    • one - allow double encryption, decrypts only one time.
    • all - prevents double encryption, decrypts recursively all encryptions.
$decrypted = Cast::cast($encrypted, 'encrypted');
$encrypted = Cast::castDb($decrypted, 'encrypted');
$decrypted = Cast::castJson($encrypted, 'encrypted');
  • compressed - (always|smaller),(one|all),level,(raw|deflate|gzip). Example: smaller,all,9,gzip. Default: always,one,-1,raw.
    • always - always uses the result of compression even if the result is bigger than the original value.
    • smaller - only uses the result of compression if the result is smaller than the original value.
    • one - allow double compression, decompresses only one time.
    • all - prevents double compression, decompresses recursively all compressions.
    • level - level of compression, from 0 (no compression) to 9 (maximum compression). If -1 is used, the default compression of the zlib library is used.
    • raw - uses the encoding ZLIB_ENCODING_RAW with gzdeflate and gzinflate.
    • deflate - uses the encoding ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE with gzcompress and gzuncompress.
    • gzip - uses the encoding ZLIB_ENCODING_GZIP with gzencode and gzdecode.
$decompressed = Cast::cast($compressed, 'compressed');
$compressed = Cast::castDb($decompressed, 'compressed');
$decompressed = Cast::castJson($compressed, 'compressed');
  • base64 - (one|all),prefix. Example: base64:. Default: one.
    • one - allow double encoding, decodes only one time.
    • all - prevents double encoding, decodes recursively all encodings (requires prefix).
$decoded = Cast::cast('base64:Rm9vQmFy', 'base64', 'base64:'); // FooBar
$encoded = Cast::castDb('FooBar', 'base64', 'base64:'); // base64:Rm9vQmFy
$decoded = Cast::castJson('base64:Rm9vQmFy', 'base64', 'base64:'); // FooBar
  • pipe - |type:format|type:format|...|direction. Example: |encrypted|compressed|array|. Default: ||php:>,db:<,json:>.
    • The direction format is >|<|php:(>|<),db:(>|<),json:(>|<), > follows from left to right and < follows from right to left.
    • The first character is used as the type separator, for the other separators in case of conflict with the type separator the | separator is used.
    • Examples of valid parameters:
$array = Cast::cast('q1ZKy89XslJKSixSqgUA', 'pipe', '|base64|compressed|array|'); // ['foo' => 'bar']
$base64Compressed = Cast::castDb(['foo' => 'bar'], 'pipe', '|base64|compressed|array|'); // q1ZKy89XslJKSixSqgUA
$array = Cast::castJson('q1ZKy89XslJKSixSqgUA', 'pipe', '|base64|compressed|array|'); // ['foo' => 'bar']
  • enum - Example: MyEnum::class. Default: .
enum MyEnum : int
    case foo = 1;
    case bar = 2;

Cast::cast(1, 'enum', MyEnum::class); // MyEnum::foo
Cast::castDb(MyEnum::foo, 'enum', MyEnum::class); // 1
Cast::castJson(MyEnum::foo, 'enum', MyEnum::class); // 1

It can be a instance of \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable or \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Jsonable.

use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable;

enum MyEnum : string implements Arrayable
    case foo = 1;
    case bar = 2;

    public function description() : string
        return match ($this) {
            self::foo => 'foo description',
            self::bar => 'bar description',

    public function toArray()
        return [
            'name' => $this->name,
            'value' => $this->value,
            'description' => $this->description(),

Cast::cast(1, 'enum', MyEnum::class); // MyEnum::foo
Cast::castDb(MyEnum::foo, 'enum', MyEnum::class); // 1
Cast::castJson(MyEnum::foo, 'enum', MyEnum::class);
// [
//      'name' => 'foo',
//      'value' => 1,
//      'description' => 'foo description'
// ]

Custom types

To create a custom type just implements the contract \JnJairo\Laravel\Cast\Contracts\Type.

class CustomType implements \JnJairo\Laravel\Cast\Contracts\Type
    // ...

Or extends the \JnJairo\Laravel\Cast\Types\Type abstract class.

class CustomType extends \JnJairo\Laravel\Cast\Types\Type
    // ...

Publish the configuration to config/cast.php.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=JnJairo\\Laravel\\Cast\\CastServiceProvider

Set the new type in the configuration.

// config/cast.php

return [
    'types' => [
        'custom_type' => CustomType::class,

And the custom type will be available.

Cast::cast('foo', 'custom_type');


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.