Nano Stream Tip lets you accept XNO (Nano currency) using, and then sends an alert which will be displayed live on your Twitch or Youtube stream via StreamElements.
The server settings are configurable with a .env file.
I have included an EXAMPLE.ENV, but basically this needs to contain the following:
NANOPAY_TOKEN= This should be your API token.
STREAMELEMENTS_JWT= This is your personal StreamElements JWT API Token
NANO_ADDRESS= Your Nano wallet address, as in... the wallet you want the funds to be sent to.
REDIRECT_URL= The website you want the viewer to be redirected to after they have payed.
STREAM_CHANNEL= Your twitch channel, like Don't need the https here.
# with to get your own API token.
You'll also need to create a Webhook in NanoPay.Me, and set the "Hook URL" to your backend, followed by /nanopay_webhook e.g. https://yourbackend.url/nanopay_webhook
You can find your StreamElements JWT token and Channel/Account ID here in your StreamElements account settings
The frontend is the images folder and the index.html.
You can edit and style index.html, and add images/logos as you see fit!
const backendURL = ""; // Change this to wherever you're hosting your backend.
You'll need to point this to wherever you're hosting the server.js etc.
<h1>Tip Jenoki<br>with Ӿ (Nano)!</h1>
Change that to your own channel name!
<input type="number" id="amount" placeholder="Amount in Ӿ (XNO)" min="0.01" step="0.01" required><br>
On this line change the min="0.01" to whatever value you like.
I sometimes stream on
what? i gotta plug my channel somehwere ok?