API that covers all the actions needed to create a checklist of tasks that need to be completed, so that the ticket can be considered as validated. Built with the Slim framework.
Register and login to get authorization token!
Link: https://sandbox.exads.rocks/api
To seed the database run:
php database/dbseeder.php
- View API Documents:
List Users:
GET /api/users
Get User:
GET /api/users/{id}
Register User:
POST /api/users/register
Login User:
POST /api/users/#
Update User:
PUT /api/users/{id}
Update User Password:
PATCH /api/users/password/{id}
Update User Role:
PATCH /api/users/role/{id}
Delete User:
DELETE /api/users/{id}
List Tickets:
GET /api/tickets
Get Ticket:
GET /api/tickets/{id}
Create Ticket:
POST /api/tickets
Update Ticket:
PUT /api/tickets/{id}
Delete Ticket:
DELETE /api/tickets/{id}
List Tabs:
GET /api/tabs
Get Tab:
GET /api/tabs/{id}
Create Tab:
POST /api/tabs
Update Tab:
PUT /api/tabs/{id}
Update Tab Ticket:
PATCH /api/tabs/ticket/{id}
Delete Tab:
DELETE /api/tabs/{id}
List Sections:
GET /api/sections
Get Section:
GET /api/sections/{id}
Create Section:
POST /api/sections
Update Section:
PUT /api/sections/{id}
Update Section Tab:
PATCH /api/sections/tab/{id}
Delete Section:
DELETE /api/sections/{id}
List Items:
GET /api/items
Get Item:
GET /api/items/{id}
Create Item:
POST /api/items
Update Item:
PUT /api/items/{id}
Update Item Section:
PATCH /api/items/section/{id}
Delete Item:
DELETE /api/items/{id}
List Item Statuses:
GET /api/item-statuses
Get Item Status:
GET /api/items-statuses/{id}