These scripts allow you to query the
API module "ask" using R or Python. They return a CSV file of the results.
The Flora of North America Semantic MediaWiki can be queried using the Semantic MediaWiki semantic search syntax.
In brief, you must have a condition:
You can optionally return properties of the taxa matching your condition:
Putting this all together using pipes, we have a query like this:
Or with additional properties requested, like this:
[[Authority::Linnaeus]]|?Distribution|?Taxon family
Sample queries can be found here:
Read more about Semantic MediaWiki query syntax:
Semantic MediaWiki limits API queries to 5,000 results. If you expect your query to return more than 5,000 results, you should run your query in batches. (N.B.: There are ~20,000 treatments in the FNA Online.)
We recommend running your queries by 'published volume' by adding a volume condition to your query (e.g., "[[Volume::Volume 17]]"). Please see this page for a list of volumes that can be queried.
This section assumes you are familiar with the R programming language.
Show instructions
Open a terminal.
Type git clone
Open an R console. Type
- Open an R console
- Open the run_query.R script
- Run your query:
E.g., [[Distribution::Nunavut]]
Use ask_query_titles
It returns only a list of Taxon names that match your query.
In the fna-query
directory, run
page_titles_vector <- ask_query_titles("[[Distribution::Nunavut]]", "output_file_name.csv")
E.g., [[Distribution::Nunavut]]|?Taxon family
Use ask_query_titles_properties
It returns a list of Taxon names and associated properties asked for by your query
In the fna-query
directory, run
properties_texts_data_frame <- ask_query_titles_properties("[[Distribution::Nunavut]]|?Taxon family", "output_file_name.csv")
E.g., [[Distribution::Nunavut]]
> page_titles_vector
[1] "Abietinella abietina"
[2] "Achillea millefolium"
[3] "Agrostis"
[4] "Agrostis anadyrensis"
See for a sample output file.
E.g., [[Distribution::Nunavut]]|?Taxon family
> properties_texts_data_frame
Taxon family
Abietinella abietina Thuidiaceae
Achillea millefolium Asteraceae
Agrostis Poaceae
Agrostis anadyrensis Poaceae
See for a sample output file.
Don't know what to query? See the demo queries here:
This section assumes you are familiar with Python programming.
Show instructions
You'll need to create an account to use the API with Python
Create your account
Find the file called
in thepython/src
folder. Rename it
and add your credentials.
has been generated with pip freeze > requirements.txt
Open a terminal.
cd fna-query
pip install -r requirements.txt
The project was built within a conda environment. A conda YAML file has been generated with conda env export > fna-query.yml
Open a terminal.
cd fna-query
conda env create -f fna-query.yml
- Open a terminal.
- Prepare your query. E.g.,
[[Special status::Introduced]]
- Run your query using:
(if using conda, start with:
conda activate environment-name
cd fna-query
cd python
python -m src.run_query --output_file_name "output_file_name.csv" --query_string "[[Query::here]]"
The -m
flag tells Python to run the script
and import the src module.
If your query results are extensive, the query will take some time to process. Please be patient.
E.g., [[Illustrator::+]][[Illustration::Present]]
python -m src.run_query --output_file_name "illustrated_taxa.csv" --query_string "[[Illustrator::+]][[Illustration::Present]][[Taxon family::Asteraceae]]"
See for a sample output file.
E.g., [[Illustrator::+]][[Illustration::Present]]|?Taxon rank
python -m src.run_query --output_file_name "illustrated_taxa_taxon_family.csv" --query_string "[[Illustrator::+]][[Illustration::Present]][[Taxon family::Asteraceae]]|?Taxon rank"
See for a sample output file.
Don't know what to query? See the demo queries here:
Contact or for support.
Please leave your bug reports here:
- Read more about the WikipediR package for R.
- Read more about the mwclient for Python.
Sometimes you'll need to batch the API return results. Here is an R script for merging multiple CSV files.