You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 6
Leisurely making progress on running the dig program. Using the jdk7-joe repository for the jre libraries. Just slowly reimplementing the library classes. From the latest log, DatagramChannelImpl.connect() needs to be reimplemented:
Found path bootstrap sun/security/provider/SeedGenerator$ThreadedSeedGenerator.class
get property sun.net.maxDatagramSockets
Found path bootstrap java/net/StandardProtocolFamily.class
Found path bootstrap java/net/ProtocolFamily.class
Found path bootstrap java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicBoolean.class
Found path bootstrap sun/nio/ch/Util.class
Found path bootstrap sun/nio/ch/Util$1.class
Found path bootstrap java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableSet.class
Found path bootstrap sun/nio/ch/Util$2.class
Found path bootstrap sun/nio/ch/SelectionKeyImpl.class
Found path bootstrap java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractSelectionKey.class
Found path bootstrap java/nio/channels/SelectionKey.class
mmap succeeded at chunk 207 0x000000000cf00000 with len = 1048576
Returning caller class class java.nio.channels.SelectionKey for stack:
Found path bootstrap sun/security/provider/SeedGenerator$ThreadedSeedGenerator$1.class
Found path bootstrap sun/security/provider/SeedGenerator$1.class
Exception in thread "dig" java.lang.Error
at sun.nio.ch.DatagramChannelImpl.connect(DatagramChannelImpl.java:722)
at org.xbill.DNS.UDPClient.connect(UDPClient.java:107)
at org.xbill.DNS.UDPClient.sendrecv(UDPClient.java:150)
at org.xbill.DNS.SimpleResolver.send(SimpleResolver.java:257)
at dig.main(dig.java:196)
at .<invisible method>(Unknown Source)
at org.jikesrvm.runtime.Reflection.outOfLineInvoke(Reflection.java:222)
at org.jikesrvm.runtime.Reflection.invoke(Reflection.java:93)
at org.jam.runtime.MainThread.run(MainThread.java:124)
Found path bootstrap sun/security/provider/SeedGenerator$ThreadedSeedGenerator$BogusThread.class
Found path bootstrap java/util/Hashtable$Enumerator.class
Found path bootstrap sun/security/provider/ByteArrayAccess.class
get property os.arch
File /tmp
Found path bootstrap java/nio/file/FileSystems.class
mmap succeeded at chunk 212 0x000000000d400000 with len = 1048576
Found path bootstrap java/nio/file/FileSystems$DefaultFileSystemHolder.class
Found path bootstrap java/nio/file/FileSystems$DefaultFileSystemHolder$1.class
get property java.nio.file.spi.DefaultFileSystemProvider
Found path bootstrap java/net/URI.class
Found path bootstrap java/net/URI$Parser.class
mmap succeeded at chunk 213 0x000000000d500000 with len = 1048576
Found path bootstrap java/security/DigestException.class
qemu-system-x86_64: terminating on signal 2 from pid 1329 (<unknown process>)
Still actively working on this. I am trying to get the a dig program from the Dnsjava library to load. Right now is looks like there is an issue with one of the reflection classes.
Provider new cap:java.security.Provider$EngineDescription@1944554 type:MessageDigest class:null
EngineDesc MessageDigest consParam null
Found path bootstrap sun/security/provider/SHA.class
Found path bootstrap sun/security/provider/DigestBase.class
Provider implClass class sun.security.provider.SHA
Provider con name sun.security.provider.SHA
Found path bootstrap sun/reflect/ReflectionFactory.class
Provider exc: null
MD alg SHA
Provider new cap:java.security.Provider$EngineDescription@1944554 type:MessageDigest class:null
EngineDesc MessageDigest consParam null
Provider implClass class sun.security.provider.SHA
Provider con name sun.security.provider.SHA
Provider exc: null
Found path bootstrap sun/security/jca/ProviderList$ServiceList.class
mmap succeeded at chunk 206 0x000000000ce00000 with len = 1048576
Found path bootstrap sun/security/jca/ProviderList$ServiceList$1.class
ProviderConfig: Loading provider: sun.security.rsa.SunRsaSign
Found path bootstrap sun/security/rsa/SunRsaSign.class
Found path bootstrap sun/security/rsa/SunRsaSignEntries.class
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [KeyFactory.RSA/sun.security.rsa.RSAKeyFactory]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [KeyPairGenerator.RSA/sun.security.rsa.RSAKeyPairGenerator]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Signature.MD2withRSA/sun.security.rsa.RSASignature$MD2withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Signature.MD5withRSA/sun.security.rsa.RSASignature$MD5withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Signature.SHA1withRSA/sun.security.rsa.RSASignature$SHA1withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Signature.SHA256withRSA/sun.security.rsa.RSASignature$SHA256withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Signature.SHA384withRSA/sun.security.rsa.RSASignature$SHA384withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Signature.SHA512withRSA/sun.security.rsa.RSASignature$SHA512withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Signature.MD2withRSA SupportedKeyClasses/java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey|java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Signature.MD5withRSA SupportedKeyClasses/java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey|java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Signature.SHA1withRSA SupportedKeyClasses/java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey|java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Signature.SHA256withRSA SupportedKeyClasses/java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey|java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Signature.SHA384withRSA SupportedKeyClasses/java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey|java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Signature.SHA512withRSA SupportedKeyClasses/java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey|java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyFactory.1.2.840.113549.1.1/RSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyFactory.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1/RSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyPairGenerator.1.2.840.113549.1.1/RSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyPairGenerator.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1/RSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.1.2.840.113549.1.1.2/MD2withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1.2/MD2withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.1.2.840.113549.1.1.4/MD5withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1.4/MD5withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.1.2.840.113549.1.1.5/SHA1withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1.5/SHA1withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.1.2.840.113549.1.1.11/SHA256withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1.11/SHA256withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.1.2.840.113549.1.1.12/SHA384withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1.12/SHA384withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.1.2.840.113549.1.1.13/SHA512withRSA]
Provider: Set SunRsaSign provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1.13/SHA512withRSA]
ProviderConfig: Loaded provider SunRsaSign version 1.7
ProviderConfig: Loading provider: com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider
Found path bootstrap com/sun/net/ssl/internal/ssl/Provider.class
Found path bootstrap sun/security/ssl/SunJSSE.class
Found path bootstrap sun/security/ssl/SunJSSE$1.class
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [KeyFactory.RSA/sun.security.rsa.RSAKeyFactory]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyFactory.1.2.840.113549.1.1/RSA]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyFactory.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1/RSA]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [KeyPairGenerator.RSA/sun.security.rsa.RSAKeyPairGenerator]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyPairGenerator.1.2.840.113549.1.1/RSA]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyPairGenerator.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1/RSA]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Signature.MD2withRSA/sun.security.rsa.RSASignature$MD2withRSA]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.1.2.840.113549.1.1.2/MD2withRSA]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1.2/MD2withRSA]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Signature.MD5withRSA/sun.security.rsa.RSASignature$MD5withRSA]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.1.2.840.113549.1.1.4/MD5withRSA]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1.4/MD5withRSA]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Signature.SHA1withRSA/sun.security.rsa.RSASignature$SHA1withRSA]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.1.2.840.113549.1.1.5/SHA1withRSA]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1.5/SHA1withRSA]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.Signature.OID.]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Signature.MD5andSHA1withRSA/sun.security.ssl.RSASignature]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [KeyManagerFactory.SunX509/sun.security.ssl.KeyManagerFactoryImpl$SunX509]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [KeyManagerFactory.NewSunX509/sun.security.ssl.KeyManagerFactoryImpl$X509]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyManagerFactory.PKIX/NewSunX509]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [TrustManagerFactory.SunX509/sun.security.ssl.TrustManagerFactoryImpl$SimpleFactory]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [TrustManagerFactory.PKIX/sun.security.ssl.TrustManagerFactoryImpl$PKIXFactory]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.TrustManagerFactory.SunPKIX/PKIX]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.TrustManagerFactory.X509/PKIX]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.TrustManagerFactory.X.509/PKIX]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [SSLContext.TLSv1/sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$TLS10Context]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.SSLContext.TLS/TLSv1]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.SSLContext.SSL/TLSv1]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [Alg.Alias.SSLContext.SSLv3/TLSv1]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [SSLContext.TLSv1.1/sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$TLS11Context]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [SSLContext.TLSv1.2/sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$TLS12Context]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [SSLContext.Default/sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$DefaultSSLContext]
Provider: Set SunJSSE provider property [KeyStore.PKCS12/sun.security.pkcs12.PKCS12KeyStore]
ProviderConfig: Loaded provider SunJSSE version 1.7
ProviderConfig: Loading provider: com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE
Found path bootstrap com/sun/crypto/provider/SunJCE$1.class
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.RSA/com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.RSA SupportedModes/ECB]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.RSA SupportedKeyClasses/java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey|java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.DES/com.sun.crypto.provider.DESCipher]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.DES SupportedModes/ECB|CBC|PCBC|CTR|CTS|CFB|OFB|CFB8|CFB16|CFB24|CFB32|CFB40|CFB48|CFB56|CFB64|OFB8|OFB16|OFB24|OFB32|OFB40|OFB48|OFB56|OFB64]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.DES SupportedPaddings/NOPADDING|PKCS5PADDING|ISO10126PADDING]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.DES SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.DESede/com.sun.crypto.provider.DESedeCipher]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.Cipher.TripleDES/DESede]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.DESede SupportedModes/ECB|CBC|PCBC|CTR|CTS|CFB|OFB|CFB8|CFB16|CFB24|CFB32|CFB40|CFB48|CFB56|CFB64|OFB8|OFB16|OFB24|OFB32|OFB40|OFB48|OFB56|OFB64]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.DESede SupportedPaddings/NOPADDING|PKCS5PADDING|ISO10126PADDING]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.DESede SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
mmap succeeded at chunk 207 0x000000000cf00000 with len = 1048576
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.DESedeWrap/com.sun.crypto.provider.DESedeWrapCipher]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.DESedeWrap SupportedModes/CBC]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.DESedeWrap SupportedPaddings/NOPADDING]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.DESedeWrap SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.PBEWithMD5AndDES/com.sun.crypto.provider.PBEWithMD5AndDESCipher]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.Cipher.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.5.3/PBEWithMD5AndDES]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.Cipher.1.2.840.113549.1.5.3/PBEWithMD5AndDES]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES/com.sun.crypto.provider.PBEWithMD5AndTripleDESCipher]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40/com.sun.crypto.provider.PKCS12PBECipherCore$PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.Cipher.OID.1.2.840.113549.]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.Cipher.1.2.840.113549.]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.PBEWithSHA1AndDESede/com.sun.crypto.provider.PKCS12PBECipherCore$PBEWithSHA1AndDESede]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.Cipher.OID.1.2.840.113549.]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.Cipher.1.2.840.113549.]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.Blowfish/com.sun.crypto.provider.BlowfishCipher]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.Blowfish SupportedModes/ECB|CBC|PCBC|CTR|CTS|CFB|OFB|CFB8|CFB16|CFB24|CFB32|CFB40|CFB48|CFB56|CFB64|OFB8|OFB16|OFB24|OFB32|OFB40|OFB48|OFB56|OFB64]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.Blowfish SupportedPaddings/NOPADDING|PKCS5PADDING|ISO10126PADDING]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.Blowfish SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.AES/com.sun.crypto.provider.AESCipher]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.Cipher.Rijndael/AES]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.AES SupportedModes/ECB|CBC|PCBC|CTR|CTS|CFB|OFB|CFB8|CFB16|CFB24|CFB32|CFB40|CFB48|CFB56|CFB64|OFB8|OFB16|OFB24|OFB32|OFB40|OFB48|OFB56|OFB64|CFB72|CFB80|CFB88|CFB96|CFB104|CFB112|CFB120|CFB128|OFB72|OFB80|OFB88|OFB96|OFB104|OFB112|OFB120|OFB128]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.AES SupportedPaddings/NOPADDING|PKCS5PADDING|ISO10126PADDING]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.AES SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.AESWrap/com.sun.crypto.provider.AESWrapCipher]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.AESWrap SupportedModes/ECB]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.AESWrap SupportedPaddings/NOPADDING]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.AESWrap SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.RC2/com.sun.crypto.provider.RC2Cipher]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.RC2 SupportedModes/ECB|CBC|PCBC|CTR|CTS|CFB|OFB|CFB8|CFB16|CFB24|CFB32|CFB40|CFB48|CFB56|CFB64|OFB8|OFB16|OFB24|OFB32|OFB40|OFB48|OFB56|OFB64]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.RC2 SupportedPaddings/NOPADDING|PKCS5PADDING|ISO10126PADDING]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.RC2 SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.ARCFOUR/com.sun.crypto.provider.ARCFOURCipher]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.Cipher.RC4/ARCFOUR]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.ARCFOUR SupportedModes/ECB]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.ARCFOUR SupportedPaddings/NOPADDING]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Cipher.ARCFOUR SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.DES/com.sun.crypto.provider.DESKeyGenerator]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.DESede/com.sun.crypto.provider.DESedeKeyGenerator]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyGenerator.TripleDES/DESede]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.Blowfish/com.sun.crypto.provider.BlowfishKeyGenerator]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.AES/com.sun.crypto.provider.AESKeyGenerator]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyGenerator.Rijndael/AES]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.RC2/com.sun.crypto.provider.KeyGeneratorCore$RC2KeyGenerator]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.ARCFOUR/com.sun.crypto.provider.KeyGeneratorCore$ARCFOURKeyGenerator]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyGenerator.RC4/ARCFOUR]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.HmacMD5/com.sun.crypto.provider.HmacMD5KeyGenerator]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.HmacSHA1/com.sun.crypto.provider.HmacSHA1KeyGenerator]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.HmacSHA256/com.sun.crypto.provider.KeyGeneratorCore$HmacSHA256KG]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.HmacSHA384/com.sun.crypto.provider.KeyGeneratorCore$HmacSHA384KG]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.HmacSHA512/com.sun.crypto.provider.KeyGeneratorCore$HmacSHA512KG]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyPairGenerator.DiffieHellman/com.sun.crypto.provider.DHKeyPairGenerator]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyPairGenerator.DH/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyPairGenerator.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.3.1/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyPairGenerator.1.2.840.113549.1.3.1/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [AlgorithmParameterGenerator.DiffieHellman/com.sun.crypto.provider.DHParameterGenerator]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameterGenerator.DH/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameterGenerator.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.3.1/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameterGenerator.1.2.840.113549.1.3.1/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyAgreement.DiffieHellman/com.sun.crypto.provider.DHKeyAgreement]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyAgreement.DH/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyAgreement.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.3.1/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyAgreement.1.2.840.113549.1.3.1/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyAgreement.DiffieHellman SupportedKeyClasses/javax.crypto.interfaces.DHPublicKey|javax.crypto.interfaces.DHPrivateKey]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [AlgorithmParameters.DiffieHellman/com.sun.crypto.provider.DHParameters]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameters.DH/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameters.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.3.1/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameters.1.2.840.113549.1.3.1/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [AlgorithmParameters.DES/com.sun.crypto.provider.DESParameters]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [AlgorithmParameters.DESede/com.sun.crypto.provider.DESedeParameters]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameters.TripleDES/DESede]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [AlgorithmParameters.PBE/com.sun.crypto.provider.PBEParameters]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [AlgorithmParameters.PBEWithMD5AndDES/com.sun.crypto.provider.PBEParameters]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameters.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.5.3/PBEWithMD5AndDES]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameters.1.2.840.113549.1.5.3/PBEWithMD5AndDES]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [AlgorithmParameters.PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES/com.sun.crypto.provider.PBEParameters]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [AlgorithmParameters.PBEWithSHA1AndDESede/com.sun.crypto.provider.PBEParameters]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameters.OID.1.2.840.113549.]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameters.1.2.840.113549.]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [AlgorithmParameters.PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40/com.sun.crypto.provider.PBEParameters]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameters.OID.1.2.840.113549.]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameters.1.2.840.113549.]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [AlgorithmParameters.Blowfish/com.sun.crypto.provider.BlowfishParameters]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [AlgorithmParameters.AES/com.sun.crypto.provider.AESParameters]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.AlgorithmParameters.Rijndael/AES]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [AlgorithmParameters.RC2/com.sun.crypto.provider.RC2Parameters]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [AlgorithmParameters.OAEP/com.sun.crypto.provider.OAEPParameters]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyFactory.DiffieHellman/com.sun.crypto.provider.DHKeyFactory]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyFactory.DH/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyFactory.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.3.1/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyFactory.1.2.840.113549.1.3.1/DiffieHellman]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [SecretKeyFactory.DES/com.sun.crypto.provider.DESKeyFactory]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [SecretKeyFactory.DESede/com.sun.crypto.provider.DESedeKeyFactory]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.SecretKeyFactory.TripleDES/DESede]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [SecretKeyFactory.PBEWithMD5AndDES/com.sun.crypto.provider.PBEKeyFactory$PBEWithMD5AndDES]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.SecretKeyFactory.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.5.3/PBEWithMD5AndDES]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.SecretKeyFactory.1.2.840.113549.1.5.3/PBEWithMD5AndDES]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.SecretKeyFactory.PBE/PBEWithMD5AndDES]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [SecretKeyFactory.PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES/com.sun.crypto.provider.PBEKeyFactory$PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [SecretKeyFactory.PBEWithSHA1AndDESede/com.sun.crypto.provider.PBEKeyFactory$PBEWithSHA1AndDESede]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.SecretKeyFactory.OID.1.2.840.113549.]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.SecretKeyFactory.1.2.840.113549.]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [SecretKeyFactory.PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40/com.sun.crypto.provider.PBEKeyFactory$PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.SecretKeyFactory.OID.1.2.840.113549.]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.SecretKeyFactory.1.2.840.113549.]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [SecretKeyFactory.PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1/com.sun.crypto.provider.PBKDF2HmacSHA1Factory]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.SecretKeyFactory.OID.1.2.840.113549.1.5.12/PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.SecretKeyFactory.1.2.840.113549.1.5.12/PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.HmacMD5/com.sun.crypto.provider.HmacMD5]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.HmacSHA1/com.sun.crypto.provider.HmacSHA1]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.HmacSHA256/com.sun.crypto.provider.HmacCore$HmacSHA256]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.HmacSHA384/com.sun.crypto.provider.HmacCore$HmacSHA384]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.HmacSHA512/com.sun.crypto.provider.HmacCore$HmacSHA512]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.HmacPBESHA1/com.sun.crypto.provider.HmacPKCS12PBESHA1]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.SslMacMD5/com.sun.crypto.provider.SslMacCore$SslMacMD5]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.SslMacSHA1/com.sun.crypto.provider.SslMacCore$SslMacSHA1]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.HmacMD5 SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.HmacSHA1 SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.HmacSHA256 SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.HmacSHA384 SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.HmacSHA512 SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.HmacPBESHA1 SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.SslMacMD5 SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Mac.SslMacSHA1 SupportedKeyFormats/RAW]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyStore.JCEKS/com.sun.crypto.provider.JceKeyStore]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.SunTlsPrf/com.sun.crypto.provider.TlsPrfGenerator$V10]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.SunTls12Prf/com.sun.crypto.provider.TlsPrfGenerator$V12]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.SunTlsMasterSecret/com.sun.crypto.provider.TlsMasterSecretGenerator]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyGenerator.SunTls12MasterSecret/SunTlsMasterSecret]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.SunTlsKeyMaterial/com.sun.crypto.provider.TlsKeyMaterialGenerator]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyGenerator.SunTls12KeyMaterial/SunTlsKeyMaterial]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [KeyGenerator.SunTlsRsaPremasterSecret/com.sun.crypto.provider.TlsRsaPremasterSecretGenerator]
Provider: Set SunJCE provider property [Alg.Alias.KeyGenerator.SunTls12RsaPremasterSecret/SunTlsRsaPremasterSecret]
ProviderConfig: Loaded provider SunJCE version 1.7
ProviderConfig: Loading provider: sun.security.jgss.SunProvider
Found path bootstrap sun/security/jgss/SunProvider.class
Found path bootstrap sun/security/jgss/SunProvider$1.class
Provider: Set SunJGSS provider property [GssApiMechanism.1.2.840.113554.1.2.2/sun.security.jgss.krb5.Krb5MechFactory]
Provider: Set SunJGSS provider property [GssApiMechanism.]
Provider: Set SunJGSS provider property [GssApiMechanism.1.2.840.113554.1.2.2/sun.security.jgss.krb5.Krb5MechFactory]
Provider: Set SunJGSS provider property [GssApiMechanism.]
ProviderConfig: Loaded provider SunJGSS version 1.7
ProviderConfig: Loading provider: com.sun.security.sasl.Provider
Found path bootstrap com/sun/security/sasl/Provider.class
Found path bootstrap com/sun/security/sasl/Provider$1.class
Provider: Set SunSASL provider property [SaslClientFactory.DIGEST-MD5/com.sun.security.sasl.digest.FactoryImpl]
Provider: Set SunSASL provider property [SaslClientFactory.NTLM/com.sun.security.sasl.ntlm.FactoryImpl]
Provider: Set SunSASL provider property [SaslClientFactory.GSSAPI/com.sun.security.sasl.gsskerb.FactoryImpl]
Provider: Set SunSASL provider property [SaslClientFactory.EXTERNAL/com.sun.security.sasl.ClientFactoryImpl]
Provider: Set SunSASL provider property [SaslClientFactory.PLAIN/com.sun.security.sasl.ClientFactoryImpl]
Provider: Set SunSASL provider property [SaslClientFactory.CRAM-MD5/com.sun.security.sasl.ClientFactoryImpl]
Provider: Set SunSASL provider property [SaslServerFactory.CRAM-MD5/com.sun.security.sasl.ServerFactoryImpl]
Provider: Set SunSASL provider property [SaslServerFactory.GSSAPI/com.sun.security.sasl.gsskerb.FactoryImpl]
Provider: Set SunSASL provider property [SaslServerFactory.DIGEST-MD5/com.sun.security.sasl.digest.FactoryImpl]
Provider: Set SunSASL provider property [SaslServerFactory.NTLM/com.sun.security.sasl.ntlm.FactoryImpl]
ProviderConfig: Loaded provider SunSASL version 1.7
securerandom 1 Error constructing implementation (algorithm: SHA, provider: SUN, class: sun.security.provider.SHA)
java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: 1 Error constructing implementation (algorithm: SHA, provider: SUN, class: sun.security.provider.SHA)
at java.security.Provider$Service.newInstance(Provider.java:1272)
at sun.security.jca.GetInstance.getInstance(GetInstance.java:236)
at sun.security.jca.GetInstance.getInstance(GetInstance.java:164)
at java.security.Security.getImpl(Security.java:695)
at java.security.MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigest.java:160)
at sun.security.provider.SecureRandom.init(SecureRandom.java:106)
at sun.security.provider.SecureRandom.<init>(SecureRandom.java:79)
at java.security.SecureRandom.getDefaultPRNG(SecureRandom.java:193)
at java.security.SecureRandom.<init>(SecureRandom.java:155)
at org.xbill.DNS.UDPClient.<clinit>(UDPClient.java:17)
at org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMClass.initialize(RVMClass.java:1752)
at org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMClass.prepareForFirstUse(RVMClass.java:1804)
at org.jikesrvm.runtime.RuntimeEntrypoints.initializeClassForDynamicLink(RuntimeEntrypoints.java:615)
at org.jikesrvm.classloader.TableBasedDynamicLinker.resolveMember(TableBasedDynamicLinker.java:79)
at org.jikesrvm.classloader.TableBasedDynamicLinker.resolveMember(TableBasedDynamicLinker.java:67)
at org.xbill.DNS.SimpleResolver.send(SimpleResolver.java:257)
at dig.main(dig.java:196)
at .<invisible method>(Unknown Source)
at org.jikesrvm.runtime.Reflection.outOfLineInvoke(Reflection.java:222)
at org.jikesrvm.runtime.Reflection.invoke(Reflection.java:93)
at org.jam.runtime.MainThread.run(MainThread.java:124)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
Exception in thread "dig" java.lang.InternalError: internal error: SHA-1 not available.
at sun.security.provider.SecureRandom.init(SecureRandom.java:110)
at sun.security.provider.SecureRandom.<init>(SecureRandom.java:79)
at java.security.SecureRandom.getDefaultPRNG(SecureRandom.java:193)
at java.security.SecureRandom.<init>(SecureRandom.java:155)
at org.xbill.DNS.UDPClient.<clinit>(UDPClient.java:17)
at org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMClass.initialize(RVMClass.java:1752)
at org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMClass.prepareForFirstUse(RVMClass.java:1804)
at org.jikesrvm.runtime.RuntimeEntrypoints.initializeClassForDynamicLink(RuntimeEntrypoints.java:615)
at org.jikesrvm.classloader.TableBasedDynamicLinker.resolveMember(TableBasedDynamicLinker.java:79)
at org.jikesrvm.classloader.TableBasedDynamicLinker.resolveMember(TableBasedDynamicLinker.java:67)
at org.xbill.DNS.SimpleResolver.send(SimpleResolver.java:257)
at dig.main(dig.java:196)
at .<invisible method>(Unknown Source)
at org.jikesrvm.runtime.Reflection.outOfLineInvoke(Reflection.java:222)
at org.jikesrvm.runtime.Reflection.invoke(Reflection.java:93)
at org.jam.runtime.MainThread.run(MainThread.java:124)
qemu-system-x86_64: terminating on signal 2 from pid 2098 (<unknown process>)
joe@JOE-2 BaseBaseRefCount_x86_64-osx %
Made it through a garbage collection cycle but stuck in the blockForGC()
Thread # 4 deferring yield!
Execute SimplePhase(closure) as Global...
Execute SimplePhase(closure) as Collector...
Thread 4: Processing GC in parallel
Thread # 4 deferring yield!
Thread 4: processing gray objects
Thread # 4 deferring yield!
Execute SimplePhase(old-root) as Global...
Execute SimplePhase(old-root) as Collector...
Execute SimplePhase(new-root) as Global...
Execute SimplePhase(new-root) as Collector...
Thread # 4 deferring yield!
Execute SimplePhase(mods) as Mutator...
Thread # 4 deferring yield!
RExecute SimplePhase(mods) as Global...
Execute SimplePhase(mods) as Collector...
Thread # 4 deferring yield!
RThread # 4 deferring yield!
RThread # 4 deferring yield!
RThread # 4 deferring yield!
Execute SimplePhase(decs) as MutThread # 4 deferring yield!
Execute SimplePhase(decs) as Global...
Execute SimplePhase(decs) as Collector...
Thread # 4 deferring yield!
RExecute SimplePhase(closure-bt) as Global...
Execute SimplePhase(closure-bt) as Collector...
Execute SimplePhase(release) as Mutator...
Thread # 4 deferring yield!
Execute SimplePhase(release) as Collector...
Execute SimplePhase(release) as Global...
Thread # 4 deferring yield!
Execute SimplePhase(complete) as Collector...
Execute SimplePhase(complete) as Global...
Thread # 4 deferring yield!
After Collection: used = 3.68 Mb = boot 0.00 Mb + immortal 0.00 Mb + meta 0.00 Mb + los 0.00 Mb + sanity 0.00 Mb + non-moving 0.00 Mb + sm-code 0.00 Mb + lg-code 0.00 Mb + rc 1.22 Mb + rclos 2.46 Mb
used = 944 pgs = boot 0 pgs + immortal 0 pgs + meta 1 pgs + los 0 pgs + sanity 0 pgs + non-moving 0 pgs + sm-code 0 pgs + lg-code 0 pgs + rc 313 pgs + rclos 630Thread # 4 deferring yield!
Key: (I)mmortal (N)onmoving (D)iscontiguous (E)xtent (F)raction
HEAP_START 0x0000000001000000
AVAILABLE_START 0x0000000005c00000
boot IN 0x0000000001000000->0x0000000005bfffff E 0x000000000Thread # 4 deferring yield!
immortal IND []
meta ND [0x0000000006000000->0x00000000063fffff]
los ND []
sanity ND []
non-moving ND []
sm-code ND []
lg-code ND []
rc ND [0x0000000005c00000->0x0000000005ffffff]
rclos ND [0x0000000006400000->0x00000000067fffff]
Thread # 4 deferring yield!
R AVAILABLE_END 0x00000000f0000000
HEAP_END 0x00000000f0000000
reserved = 3 MB (944 pgs) used = 3 MB (944 pgs) total = 16 MB (4096 pgs)
Collection time: 160.11 ms
[STWController: Worker threads complete!]
[STWController: Resuming mutators...]
Thread # 5 is requesting that thread # 10 unblocks.
Thread # 5 is done requesting that thread # 10 unblocks.
Thread # 5 is requesting that thread # 3 unblocks.
Thread # 5 is done requesting that thread # 3 unblocks.
Thread # 5 is requesting that thread # 7 unblocks.
Thread # 5 is done requesting that thread # 7 unblocks.
Thread # 5 is requesting that thread # 8 unblocks.
Thread # 5 is done requesting that thread # 8 unblocks.
Thread # 5 is requesting that thread # 9 unblocks.
Thread # 5 is done requesting that thread # 9 unblocks.
Thread # 5 is requesting that thread # 1 unblocks.
Thread # 5 is done requesting that thread # 1 unblocks.
Thread # 5 is requesting that thread # 11 unblocks.
Thread # 5 is done requesting that thread # 11 unblocks.
[STWController: Waiting for request...]
QEMU 6.1.0 monitor - type 'help' for more information
(qemu) pmemsave 0 0x8000000 jam.dmp
Getting closer. Looks like it is stuck in the scan stack frame loop.
RExecute SimplePhase(set-collection-kind) as Global...
Execute SimplePhase(initiate) as Global...
Collection 1: reserved = 4 MB (1030 pgs) used = 4 MB (1030 pgs) total = 16 MB (4096 pgs)
Before Collection: used = 4.02 Mb = boot 0.00 Mb + immortal 0.00 Mb + meta 0.03 Mb + los 0.00 Mb + sanity 0.00 Mb + non-moving 0.00 Mb + sm-code 0.00 Mb + lg-code 0.00 Mb + rc 1.40 Mb + rclos 2.58 Mb
used = 1030 pgs = boot 0 pgs + immortal 0 pgs + meta 8 pgs + los 0 pgs + sanity 0 pgs + non-moving 0 pgs + sm-code 0 pgs + lg-code 0 pgs + rc 359 pgs + rclos 663 pgs
Key: (I)mmortal (N)onmoving (D)iscontiguous (E)xtent (F)raction
HEAP_START 0x0000000001000000
AVAILABLE_START 0x0000000005c00000
boot IN 0x0000000001000000->0x0000000005bfffff E 0x0000000004c00000
immortal IND []
meta ND [0x0000000006000000->0x00000000063fffff]
los ND []
sanity ND []
non-moving ND []
sm-code ND []
lg-code ND []
rc ND [0x0000000005c00000->0x0000000005ffffff]
rclos ND [0x0000000006400000->0x00000000067fffff]
AVAILABLE_END 0x00000000f0000000
HEAP_END 0x00000000f0000000
Execute SimplePhase(prepare) as Mutator...
Execute SimplePhase(prepare) as Global...
Execute SimplePhase(prepare) as Collector...
Execute SimplePhase(prepare-stacks) as Mutator...
Execute SimplePhase(prepare-stacks) as Global...
Execute SimplePhase(stacks) as Collector...
scanning 10
--- Start Of Stack Scan ---
Thread #10
topFrame = 0x0000000000000000
ip = 0x000000000428ceba
fp = 0x000000000660bd68
registers.ip = 0x000000000428ceba
Thread 4 at fp = 0x660bd68
--- METHOD (BASELINE) Lorg/jikesrvm/scheduler/RoundRobin;.schedule ()V
--- fp = 0x000000000660bd68 code base = 0x000000000428cda0 code offset = 0x000000000000011a
line number = 43
10 0x660bd68 Lorg/jikesrvm/scheduler/RoundRobin;.schedule()V
RThread 4 at fp = 0x660bd98
--- METHOD (BASELINE) Lorg/jikesrvm/scheduler/RVMThread;.yieldNoHandshake ()V
--- fp = 0x000000000660bd98 code base = 0x00000000043addc8 code offset = 0x0000000000000053
line number = 3456
10 0x660bd98 Lorg/jikesrvm/scheduler/RVMThread;.yieldNoHandshake()V
Thread 4 at fp = 0x660be10
--- METHOD (BASELINE) Lorg/jikesrvm/scheduler/RVMThread;.waitImpl (Ljava/lang/Object;ZJ)V
--- fp = 0x000000000660be10 code base = 0x00000000040eca28 code offset = 0x00000000000004d3
line number = 3573
10 0x660be10 Lorg/jikesrvm/scheduler/RVMThread;.waitImpl(Ljava/lang/Object;ZJ)V
Thread 4 at fp = 0x660be68
--- METHOD (BASELINE) Lorg/jikesrvm/scheduler/RVMThread;.wait (Ljava/lang/Object;)V
--- fp = 0x000000000660be68 code base = 0x00000000043ad958 code offset = 0x0000000000000050
line number = 3629
10 0x660be68 Lorg/jikesrvm/scheduler/RVMThread;.wait(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
Thread 4 at fp = 0x660bea0
--- METHOD (BASELINE) Ljava/lang/Object;.wait ()V
--- fp = 0x000000000660bea0 code base = 0x000000000442cce8 code offset = 0x0000000000000030
line number = 518
10 0x660bea0 Ljava/lang/Object;.wait()V
Thread 4 at fp = 0x660bee8
--- METHOD (BASELINE) Lorg/jam/net/InetProtocolProcessor;.processPackets ()V
R--- fp = 0x000000000660bee8 code base = 0x00000000042b4fd8 code offset = 0x0000000000000082
line number = 43
10 0x660bee8 Lorg/jam/net/InetProtocolProcessor;.processPackets()V
Thread 4 at fp = 0x660bf20
--- METHOD (BASELINE) Lorg/jam/net/InetProtocolProcessor;.run ()V
--- fp = 0x000000000660bf20 code base = 0x00000000042b4ee0 code offset = 0x000000000000003a
line number = 28
10 0x660bf20 Lorg/jam/net/InetProtocolProcessor;.run()V
Thread 4 at fp = 0x660bf58
--- METHOD (BASELINE) Ljava/lang/Thread;.run ()V
--- fp = 0x000000000660bf58 code base = 0x00000000040a5e68 code offset = 0x0000000000000074
line number = 695
10 0x660bf58 Ljava/lang/Thread;.run()V
Thread 4 at fp = 0x660bfa8
--- METHOD (BASELINE) Lorg/jikesrvm/scheduler/RVMThread;.run ()V
--- fp = 0x000000000660bfa8 code base = 0x000000000435bca0 code offset = 0x00000000000000f8
line number = 2844
10 0x660bfa8 Lorg/jikesrvm/scheduler/RVMThread;.run()V
Thread 4 at fp = 0x660bfe8
--- METHOD (BASELINE) Lorg/jikesrvm/scheduler/RVMThread;.startoff ()V
--- fp = 0x000000000660bfe8 code base = 0x00000000043ae560 code offset = 0x0000000000000159
line number = 2903
10 0x660bfe8 Lorg/jikesrvm/scheduler/RVMThread;.startoff()V
Thread 4 at fp = 0x0
QEMU 6.1.0 monitor - type 'help' for more information
(qemu) quit
Working on running the tests. Now fixing on running GC cycle.
Fixing the @InterruptHandler annotation needed for the interrupt handling. Working through the ripples that it is causing.
More progress!
Need to fix the thread initialization and startup. Very close to time slicing
SeaBIOS (version rel-1.14.0-0-g155821a1990b-prebuilt.qemu.org)
iPXE v1.0.0-591-g7aee315
iPXE (http://ipxe.org) 00:03.0 CA00 PCI2.10 PnP PMM+07F91130+07F51130 CA00
Booting from ROM..
The Start
Setting up current RVMThread
Doing thread initialization
MemoryManager: start=0x5060000 end=0x9060000 maxHeapSize=0x4000000
Setting up memory manager: bootrecord = 0x1000018
Setting up memory manager: bootThread = 0x266ce00
t1 t2: 0x99bacc8 0x10c5abec
cycles: 0x729ff24 min: 0x3952e34 max: 0x3952e34 loops: 81749
TSC cycle per second = 0x8f47eed0
TSC cycles per 1000 NS = 2403
Marking 0x0000000001000000 50331648
Marking 0x0000000004000000 16777216
MMAP ERRNO 0x5c00000 1048576 0
mmap succeeded at chunk 92 0x0000000005c00000 with len = 1048576
Initializing baseline compiler options to defaults
Initializing JNI for boot thread
MMAP ERRNO 0x6000000 1048576 0
mmap succeeded at chunk 96 0x0000000006000000 with len = 1048576
JNI initialized for boot thread
Fetching command-line arguments
ARG -1
Early stage processing of command line
Collector processing rest of boot options
Key: (I)mmortal (N)onmoving (D)iscontiguous (E)xtent (F)raction
HEAP_START 0x0000000001000000
AVAILABLE_START 0x0000000005c00000
boot IN 0x0000000001000000->0x0000000005bfffff E 0x0000000004c00000
immortal IND []
meta ND [0x0000000006000000->0x00000000063fffff]
los ND []
sanity ND []
non-moving ND []
sm-code ND []
lg-code ND []
rc ND [0x0000000005c00000->0x0000000005ffffff]
rclos ND []
AVAILABLE_END 0x00000000f0000000
HEAP_END 0x00000000f0000000
================ MMTk Configuration ================
plan =
Done: Collector processing rest of boot options
Initializing bootstrap class loader:
Running various class initializers
running class initializer for org.jikesrvm.classloader.Atom$InternedStrings
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lorg/jikesrvm/classloader/Atom$InternedStrings; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.lang.Runtime
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/lang/Runtime; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for sun.misc.Unsafe
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lsun/misc/Unsafe; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.lang.Character
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/lang/Character; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/lang/CharacterDataLatin1; >.<clinit> ()V
COPY 0x5c48918 0x34868e0 1024
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.lang.CharacterData00
MMAP ERRNO 0x6400000 1048576 0
mmap succeeded at chunk 100 0x0000000006400000 with len = 1048576
[Loaded [[[C]
[Loaded superclasses of [[[C]
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/lang/CharacterData00; >.<clinit> ()V
COPY 0x5c6fc18 0x34857b8 4096
COPY 0x641c028 0x34834f0 8832
COPY 0x5c5f018 0x34828f8 2992
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.lang.CharacterData01
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/lang/CharacterData01; >.<clinit> ()V
COPY 0x5c71018 0x3481780 4096
COPY 0x5c7a018 0x3481038 1792
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.lang.CharacterData02
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/lang/CharacterData02; >.<clinit> ()V
COPY 0x5c72418 0x347fd50 4096
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.lang.CharacterData0E
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/lang/CharacterData0E; >.<clinit> ()V
COPY 0x5c73818 0x347eb00 4096
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.lang.CharacterDataPrivateUse
has no clinit method
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.lang.CharacterDataUndefined
has no clinit method
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.lang.Throwable
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lorg/jikesrvm/classlibrary/openjdk/replacements/java_lang_Throwable; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for org.jikesrvm.classloader.TypeReferenceVector
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lorg/jikesrvm/classloader/TypeReferenceVector; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for org.jikesrvm.classloader.MethodVector
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lorg/jikesrvm/classloader/MethodVector; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for org.jikesrvm.classloader.FieldVector
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lorg/jikesrvm/classloader/FieldVector; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
Booting Lock
running class initializer for java.lang.Thread
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/lang/Thread; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
Booting scheduler
Setting up boot thread
Create real boot thread
Boot thread 0x5c37598
boot thread at 0x266ce00
ip: 0x43cd9a0 sp: 0x6463028 esi: 0x5c46e18
sp0: 0x6463028 ip: 0x43cd9a0
fp: 0x6462fe8
rvmthread sp: 0x6463008 gpr: 0x5c87398
Thread # 2 at 0x5c46e18
stack at 0x641f028 up to 0x6463028
registered mutator for 2
Finishing initializeJniEnv() for the thread
TimerThread slot: 2
Thread # 2 starting!
ip: 0x43cd9a0 sp: 0x64a8028 esi: 0x5c47118
sp0: 0x64a8028 ip: 0x43cd9a0
fp: 0x64a7fe8
rvmthread sp: 0x64a8008 gpr: 0x5c87898
Thread # 3 at 0x5c47118
stack at 0x6464028 up to 0x64a8028
registered mutator for 3
Finishing initializeJniEnv() for the thread
FinalizerThread slot: 3
Thread # 3 starting!
RVMThread booted
Booting DynamicLibrary
Jikes RVM: Warning: You have explicitly set java.ext.dirs; that will not do anything under Jikes RVM
initProperties DONE
System properties preinit
DynamicLibary setup done
running class initializer for java.lang.Thread
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/lang/Thread; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
Enabling GC
Setting default thread count for MMTk to minimum of default thread count 1 and maximal thread count 2147483647 supported by current GC plan.
New default thread count value is 1
Setting actual thread count for MMTk to minimum of desired thread count 1 and maximal thread count 2147483647 supported by current GC plan.
New actual thread count is 1
New heavy cond lock: CollectorContextGroup
ip: 0x43cd9a0 sp: 0x64c0028 esi: 0x5c47418
sp0: 0x64c0028 ip: 0x43cd9a0
fp: 0x64bffe8
rvmthread sp: 0x64c0008 gpr: 0x5c97118
Thread # 4 at 0x5c47418
stack at 0x64a9028 up to 0x64c0028
registered mutator for 4
Finishing initializeJniEnv() for the thread
org.mmtk.plan.refcount.fullheap.RCCollector [0] slot: 4
Thread # 4 starting!
init group done
worker threads created
ip: 0x43cd9a0 sp: 0x64d8028 esi: 0x5c47718
sp0: 0x64d8028 ip: 0x43cd9a0
fp: 0x64d7fe8
rvmthread sp: 0x64d8008 gpr: 0x5c97898
Thread # 5 at 0x5c47718
stack at 0x64c1028 up to 0x64d8028
registered mutator for 5
Finishing initializeJniEnv() for the thread
org.mmtk.plan.ControllerCollectorContext [1] slot: 5
New heavy cond lock: CollectorControlLock
Thread # 5 starting!
control thread created
running class initializer for java.util.WeakHashMap
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/util/WeakHashMap; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for sun.misc.Version
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lsun/misc/Version; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for sun.misc.VM
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lsun/misc/VM; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for sun.misc.SharedSecrets
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lsun/misc/SharedSecrets; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.io.Console
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/io/Console; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicInteger; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.io.FileDescriptor
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/io/FileDescriptor; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.io.FileInputStream
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/io/FileInputStream; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.io.FileOutputStream
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/io/FileOutputStream; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.util.Collections
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/util/Collections; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for sun.reflect.Reflection
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lsun/reflect/Reflection; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.lang.reflect.Proxy
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/lang/reflect/Proxy; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater$AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterImpl
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater$AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterImpl; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.io.BufferedInputStream
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/io/BufferedInputStream; >.<clinit> ()V
Returning caller class class java.io.BufferedInputStream for stack:
Dumping stack for Thread # 1
-- Stack --
(0x26874e8 4258) at [0x26874e8, 0x42eb70d] Lorg/jikesrvm/classlibrary/openjdk/replacements/sun_reflect_Reflection; getCallerClass(I)Ljava/lang/Class; at line 86 at bytecode index 76
(0x2687560 12862) at [0x2687560, 0x42eba3d] Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater$AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterImpl; <init>(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/ld
(0x26875c8 7279) at [0x26875c8, 0x5ca4902] Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater; newUpdater(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/concur5
(0x2687608 15304) at [0x2687608, 0x44477cb] Ljava/io/BufferedInputStream; <clinit>()V at line 52 at bytecode index 14 at machine code offset 0x6a
(0x2687668 14632) at [0x2687668, 0x44480a1] Lorg/jikesrvm/VM; runClassInitializer(Ljava/lang/String;)V at line 817 at bytecode index 184 at machine code offset 0x373
(0x26876b8 14630) at [0x26876b8, 0x4448875] Lorg/jikesrvm/VM; finishBooting()V at line 457 at bytecode index 508 at machine code offset 0x711
(0x26876e8 14629) at [0x26876e8, 0x1001c3] Lorg/jikesrvm/VM; boot()V at line 187 at bytecode index 124 at machine code offset 0x185
Bogus looking frame pointer: 0x0 end of stack dump
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.nio.DirectByteBuffer
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/nio/DirectByteBuffer; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.nio.Bits$1
has no clinit method
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.nio.Bits
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/nio/Bits; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lsun/nio/cs/StreamEncoder; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.nio.charset.Charset
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/nio/charset/Charset; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.lang.Shutdown
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/lang/Shutdown; >.<clinit> ()V
[Loaded [Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
[Loaded superclasses of [Ljava/lang/Runnable;]
clinit method done
initializing standard streams
running class initializer for java.io.FileSystem
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/io/FileSystem; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.lang.String
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/lang/String; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.net.URL
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/net/URL; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.net.URLClassLoader
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/net/URLClassLoader; >.<clinit> ()V
[Loaded org.jikesrvm.classloader.ReflectionBase$$Reflect5766]
[Preparing org.jikesrvm.classloader.ReflectionBase$$Reflect5766]
[Initializing org.jikesrvm.classloader.ReflectionBase$$Reflect5766]
[Initialized org.jikesrvm.classloader.ReflectionBase$$Reflect5766]
clinit method done
running class initializer for sun.misc.URLClassPath
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lsun/misc/URLClassPath; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.net.URLConnection
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/net/URLConnection; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.nio.charset.CoderResult
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
Running late class initializers
running class initializer for java.lang.Math
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/lang/Math; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.util.TreeMap
has no clinit method
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.util.BitSet
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/util/BitSet; >.<clinit> ()V
[Initializing java.io.ObjectStreamField]
[Initialized java.io.ObjectStreamField]
clinit method done
running class initializer for org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMAnnotation
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lorg/jikesrvm/classloader/RVMAnnotation; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for java.nio.charset.Charset
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Ljava/nio/charset/Charset; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lsun/nio/cs/StandardCharsets; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for sun.nio.cs.Surrogate$Parser
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lsun/nio/cs/Surrogate$Parser; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for sun.nio.cs.Surrogate$Generator
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lsun/nio/cs/Surrogate$Generator; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
running class initializer for sun.nio.cs.Surrogate
invoking method < BootstrapCL, Lsun/nio/cs/Surrogate; >.<clinit> ()V
clinit method done
VM is now fully booted
Initializing runtime compiler
Late stage processing of command line
[VM booted]
contextRegister offset 0xb0
gprs offset 0xfffffffffffffff8
sp offset 0x170
Max CPUID: 13
Vendor ID: AuthenticAMD
CPUID 1: 0x00000663 0x00000800 0x80002001 0x078bfbfd
Extended CPUID 0: 0x8000000a
Extended CPUID 1 EAX: 0x00000663
Processor Brand: QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.5+
Bus 0 Device 0 Vendor ID 0xffff8086 Device ID 0x00001237
Class 6 SubClass 0
Bus 0 Device 1 Vendor ID 0xffff8086 Device ID 0x00007000
Class 6 SubClass 1
Bus 0 Device 2 Vendor ID 0x00001234 Device ID 0x00001111
Class 3 SubClass 0
Bus 0 Device 3 Vendor ID 0xffff8086 Device ID 0x00001229
Class 2 SubClass 0
Wait for gate to go active %
t2: 0xfff2e5fe
cycles: 0xffffffff000d1a01 loops: 121342
APIC frequency = 0x83040a
APIC ver: 20 lvts: 5 id: 0
output stream: 0x5ce4370
lookup2: UTF-8
fastcharset.lookup utf-8
cln UTF_8
FREE 0x5ce43e8
print stream: 0x5cee698
roundrobin stack top: 0x5c4ab08
IOAPIC id 0 ver 32 max 23
bar0: fe000008
bar1: c001
bar2: feba0000
bar3: 0
bar4: 0
bar5: 0
Interrupt pin 1 line 11
class 2 subclass 0 Interface 0
Subsystem Vendor ffff8086 id 40
status 290 command 107
address len: 6 64
Ethernet Address: 0x00005452:0x00001200:0x00005634
MMAP ERRNO 0x5d00000 1048576 0
mmap succeeded at chunk 93 0x0000000005d00000 with len = 1048576
rfd 0: 5cf4118: 0 5cf4818 0 5f20000
results address: 0x05ceead0
udelay: 0x82f93bec 0x9150f1e0
status: 0x0000782d 0x00003000
phy ID = 0x015402a8
Get cmd block: 0x5cfc410 0x05ce5898 255
config 0 = 0x00000016
config 1 = 0x00000008
config 2 = 0x00000000
config 3 = 0x00000001
config 4 = 0x00000000
config 5 = 0x00000000
config 6 = 0x00000036
config 7 = 0x00000007
config 8 = 0x00000001
config 9 = 0x00000000
config 10 = 0x00000026
config 11 = 0x00000000
config 12 = 0x00000061
config 13 = 0x00000000
config 14 = 0x00000000
config 15 = 0xffffffc8
config 16 = 0x00000000
config 17 = 0x00000000
config 18 = 0xfffffff3
config 19 = 0xffffff80
config 20 = 0x0000003f
config 21 = 0x00000005
Get cmd block: 0x5cfc448 0x05ce58f8 254
IA ADDRESS: 0x00000052 0x00000054 0x00000000 0x00000012 0x00000034 0x00000056
Idle Thread
ip: 0x43cd9a0 sp: 0x64f3028 esi: 0x5cad718
sp0: 0x64f3028 ip: 0x43cd9a0
fp: 0x64f2fe8
rvmthread sp: 0x64f3008 gpr: 0x5ce64d8
Thread # 6 at 0x5cad718
stack at 0x64f2028 up to 0x64f3028
registered mutator for 6
Finishing initializeJniEnv() for the thread
IdleThread slot: 6
idle thread: 0x5cad718
Thread # 6 starting!
Creating main thread
Constructing mainThread
System out printout!
Boot sequence completed; finishing boot thread
in terminate() for Thread # 1
doing accounting...
active = 5, daemons = 5
done with accounting.
making joinable...
Thread # 1 is joinable.
making joinable...
returning cached lock...
adding to aboutToTerminate...
acquireCount for my monitor: 2
timer ticks: 0x0
yieldpoints taken: 0x0
yieldpoints taken fully: 0x0
finishing thread termination...
int48/yield ^^ 0x266ce00->0x5cad718
next thread sp: 0x64f3008 current sp: 0x2687638
QEMU 6.0.0 monitor - type 'help' for more information
We are booting the JOE image! This is a big step.
BaseBaseRefCount_x86_64-osx % ../../scripts/ljoe_x86_64
SeaBIOS (version rel-1.14.0-0-g155821a1990b-prebuilt.qemu.org)
iPXE v1.0.0-591-g7aee315
iPXE (http://ipxe.org) 00:03.0 CA00 PCI2.10 PnP PMM+07F91130+07F51130 CA00
Booting from ROM..The Start
MemoryManager: start=0x505d000 end=0x905d000 maxHeapSize=0x4000000
vm internal error at:
Thread # 1
Bogus looking frame pointer: 0x25fbd20 not dumping stack
* Abnormal termination of Jikes RVM *
* Jikes RVM terminated abnormally indicating a problem in the virtual machine. *
* Jikes RVM relies on community support to get debug information. Help improve *
* Jikes RVM for everybody by reporting this error. Please see: *
* http://www.jikesrvm.org/ReportingBugs/ *
EXIT 124
Thread 1: VM.sysFail(): We're in a (likely) recursive call to VM.sysFail(), 2 deep
sysFail was called with the message: vm internal error at:
vm internal error at:
Thread # 1
Bogus looking frame pointer: 0x25fbbd8 not dumping stack
* Abnormal termination of Jikes RVM *
* Jikes RVM terminated abnormally indicating a problem in the virtual machine. *
* Jikes RVM relies on community support to get debug information. Help improve *
* Jikes RVM for everybody by reporting this error. Please see: *
* http://www.jikesrvm.org/ReportingBugs/ *
Thread 1: VM.shutdown(): We're in a (likely) recursive call to VM.shutdown(), 2 deep
EXIT 124
Thread 1: VM.sysFail(): We're in a (likely) recursive call to VM.sysFail(), 3 deep
sysFail was called with the message: vm internal error at:
vm internal error at:
Thread # 1
Bogus looking frame pointer: 0x25fba90 not dumping stack
* Abnormal termination of Jikes RVM *
* Jikes RVM terminated abnormally indicating a problem in the virtual machine. *
* Jikes RVM relies on community support to get debug information. Help improve *
* Jikes RVM for everybody by reporting this error. Please see: *
* http://www.jikesrvm.org/ReportingBugs/ *
Thread 1: VM.shutdown(): We're in a (likely) recursive call to VM.shutdown(), 3 deep
EXIT 124
Thread 1: VM.sysFail(): We're in a (likely) recursive call to VM.sysFail(), 4 deep
sysFail was called with the message: vm internal error at:
VM.dieAbruptlyRecursiveSystemTrouble(): Dying abruptly; we're stuck in a recursive shutdown/exit.
EXIT 128
QEMU 5.2.0 monitor - type 'help' for more information
Was working on fixing how Classpath was compiled and built but came to the realization that the project needed to resync with the latest JikesRVM release and transition over to OpenJDK6. This is happening here: New JOE. Current state of this is it can build a non-working boot image. This will only work on a Mac OSX machine (will get to building from linux later). I will be developing and working in this new forked repo until I get JOE running the Dining Philosophers again. Then I will transition that new code into the JOE repo.
Finally got the Trace class added. Still have not found my bug happening first garbage collection. But from the tracing, the issue is not with the interrupts. Will probably start adding traces to the GC next.
Crash is happening in CharsetEncoder.encode(Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
Working Directory /Users/joe/github/JOE/jikesrvm-hg/target/BaseBaseRefCount_x86_64-osx/
Processing RVM.map
## td 000000000451c4d8
Thread 451c4d8 Plato index 5 slot 6
fp 48b0c38 sp 48b0ba8
ctxt fp 48b0c38 ip bb8 gprs 4527578
048b0ba8: 0000000000001010 0000000000000008 ................
048b0bb8: 0000000000000203 00000000048b0bd8 ................
048b0bc8: 0000000000000000 00000000044cf298 ..........L.....
048b0bd8: 0000000003097d27 0000000004473bd8 '}.......;G.....
048b0be8: 0000000004473038 0000000004473bd8 80G......;G.....
048b0bf8: 0000000000000002 0000000000000001 ................
048b0c08: 00000000044cf298 000000000447b098 ..L.......G.....
048b0c18: 00000000044cf208 0000000000000000 ..L.............
048b0c28: 0000000000000000 000000000000062b ........+.......
048b0c38: 00000000048b0cb8 00000000030981aa ................
048b0cb8: String.getBytes(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)[B
048b0d18: String.getBytes(Ljava/lang/String;)[B
048b0d60: PrintStream.writeChars([CII)V
048b0dc0: PrintStream.print(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
048b0e28: PrintStream.println(Ljava/lang/String;)V
048b0e78: DiningPhilosophers$Philosopher.status(Ljava/lang/String;)V
048b0ec0: DiningPhilosophers$Philosopher.run()V
048b0f10: Thread.run()V
048b0f48: RVMThread.run()V
048b0f98: RVMThread.startoff()V
048b0fd8: fffffffd
Confucius: Picking up fork 4
Confucius: Picking up fork 0 [POLL] rc: Triggering collection
notifying 4
[POLL] rc: Triggering collection
GC already triggered
[STWController: Request recieved.] 1
[STWController: Stopping the world...]
[STWController: Triggering worker threads...]
Collection 1: reserved = 16 MB (4096 pgs) used = 16 MB (4096 pgs) total = 16 MB (4096 pgs)
Before Collection: used = 16.00 Mb = boot 0.00 Mb + immortal 0.00 Mb + meta 0.00 Mb + los 0.00 Mb + sanity 0.00 Mb + non-moving 0.00 Mb + sm-code 0.00 Mbb
used = 4096 pgs = boot 0 pgs + immortal 0 pgs + meta 2 pgs + los 0 pgs + sanity 0 pgs + non-moving 0 pgs + sm-code 0 pgs + lg-code 0 ps
Key: (I)mmortal (N)onmoving (D)iscontiguous (E)xtent (F)raction
HEAP_START 0x0000000000000000
AVAILABLE_START 0x0000000004400000
boot IN 0x0000000000000000->0x00000000043fffff E 0x0000000004400000
immortal IND []
meta ND [0x0000000004c00000->0x0000000004ffffff]
los ND []
sanity ND []
non-moving ND []
sm-code ND []
lg-code ND []
ss0 D []
ss1 D []
trace ND []
rc ND [0x0000000005800000->0x0000000005bfffff, 0x0000000005400000->0x00000000057fffff, 0x0000000005000000->0x00000000053fffff, 0x0000000004400000]
rclos ND [0x0000000004800000->0x0000000004bfffff]
gcspy IND []
AVAILABLE_END 0x00000000f0000000
HEAP_END 0x00000000f0000000
computeThreadRoots start
thread slot: 5/0
scanning 5
scanning fp 0x486eab0 ip 0x34a2c24
start scan: 0x450d058/ 5/0x34a2c24/0x486eb08/0x486eab0/0x44da4f0
Scanning thread 5 from thread 3
Thread 5 at fp = 0x486eb08 0x32b3a90
Thread 5 at fp = 0x486eb90 0x311cca9
Thread 5 at fp = 0x486ebf8 0x3040528
Thread 5 at fp = 0x486ec68 0x3040603
Thread 5 at fp = 0x486ecb8 0x32eaf76
Thread 5 at fp = 0x486ed00 0x33991b6
Thread 5 at fp = 0x486ed40 0x343d0a2
Thread 5 at fp = 0x486ed70 0x33aa240
Thread 5 at fp = 0x486ee58 0x33aa777
Thread 5 at fp = 0x486eec8 0x311f298
Thread 5 at fp = 0x486ef48 0x33d4f00
Thread 5 at fp = 0x486ef98 0x34a3771
thread slot: 2/1
scanning 2
scanning fp 0x4813f98 ip 0x34a374a
start scan: 0x44dd298/ 2/0x34a374a/0x4813fd8/0x4813f98/0x44da130
Scanning thread 2 from thread 3
thread slot: 3/2
thread slot: 4/3
thread slot: 1/4
scanning 1
scanning fp 0x488fd78 ip 0x34a5bc2
start scan: 0x451c058/ 1/0x34a5bc2/0x488fdd0/0x488fd78/0x45250e0
Scanning thread 1 from thread 3
Thread 1 at fp = 0x488fdd0 0x34a721f
Thread 1 at fp = 0x488fe50 0x3407f27
Thread 1 at fp = 0x488fe90 0x34a8b93
Thread 1 at fp = 0x488fec8 0x32eaa1b
Thread 1 at fp = 0x488ff10 0x303f3a7
Thread 1 at fp = 0x488ff48 0x33d4f00
Thread 1 at fp = 0x488ff98 0x34a3771
thread slot: 6/5
scanning 6
scanning fp 0x48b0d60 ip 0x3407f27
start scan: 0x451c4d8/ 6/0x3407f27/0x48b0da0/0x48b0d60/0x4525220
Scanning thread 6 from thread 3
Thread 6 at fp = 0x48b0da0 0x34a8b93
Thread 6 at fp = 0x48b0dd8 0x30e34f2
Thread 6 at fp = 0x48b0e28 0x30e2982
Thread 6 at fp = 0x48b0e78 0x32ead80
Thread 6 at fp = 0x48b0ec0 0x32eab3c
Thread 6 at fp = 0x48b0f10 0x303f3a7
Thread 6 at fp = 0x48b0f48 0x33d4f00
Thread 6 at fp = 0x48b0f98 0x34a3771
thread slot: 7/6
scanning 7
scanning fp 0x48d1d60 ip 0x3407f27
start scan: 0x451c958/ 7/0x3407f27/0x48d1da0/0x48d1d60/0x4525360
Scanning thread 7 from thread 3
Thread 7 at fp = 0x48d1da0 0x34a8b93
Thread 7 at fp = 0x48d1dd8 0x30e34f2
Thread 7 at fp = 0x48d1e28 0x30e2982
Thread 7 at fp = 0x48d1e78 0x32ead80
Thread 7 at fp = 0x48d1ec0 0x32ea9c2
Thread 7 at fp = 0x48d1f10 0x303f3a7
Thread 7 at fp = 0x48d1f48 0x33d4f00
Thread 7 at fp = 0x48d1f98 0x34a3771
thread slot: 8/7
scanning 8
scanning fp 0x48f2740 ip 0x32c4b27
start scan: 0x451cdd8/ 8/0x32c4b27/0x48f2778/0x48f2740/0x45254a0
Scanning thread 8 from thread 3
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2778 0x327f3f6
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f27d8 0x340cd1f
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2830 0x329e06a
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f28c0 0x329e53c
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2928 0x32acfa4
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f29a0 0x32a2d3b
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2a30 0x32af362
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2a98 0x32acbd2
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2b18 0x32b2378
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2b90 0x3497f3a
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2c20 0x349829e
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2cc0 0x34aecec
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2d58 0x3405f28
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2de8 0x3465e18
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2e28 0x305b680
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2e70 0x305d24c
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2eb8 0x32eaa8d
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2f10 0x303f3a7
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2f48 0x33d4f00
Thread 8 at fp = 0x48f2f98 0x34a3771
thread slot: 9/8
scanning 9
scanning fp 0x4913578 ip 0x32c4b27
start scan: 0x452a298/ 9/0x32c4b27/0x49135b0/0x4913578/0x45255e0
Scanning thread 9 from thread 3
Thread 9 at fp = 0x49135b0 0x327f3f6
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913610 0x340cd1f
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913668 0x329e06a
Thread 9 at fp = 0x49136f8 0x329e53c
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913760 0x32acfa4
Thread 9 at fp = 0x49137d8 0x32a2d3b
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913868 0x32af362
Thread 9 at fp = 0x49138d0 0x32acbd2
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913950 0x32b2378
Thread 9 at fp = 0x49139c8 0x3497f3a
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913a58 0x349829e
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913af8 0x34aecec
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913b90 0x345fce1
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913c08 0x345fc72
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913c50 0x309835e
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913cb8 0x302ca9e
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913d18 0x302cca6
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913d60 0x30e32fb
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913dc0 0x30e3574
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913e28 0x30e2982
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913e78 0x32ead80
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913ec0 0x32eaac1
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913f10 0x303f3a7
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913f48 0x33d4f00
Thread 9 at fp = 0x4913f98 0x34a3771
thread slot: 0/9
computeThreadRoots finished
scanBootImage start
cursor: 0x0000000004000000 Image: 0x0000000000108000 Map Start: 0x0000000004000000 end: 0x000000000404d98c
Thread 3: scanBootImage finished
<boot image roots: 110 refs: 843850> Processing GC in parallel
Thread 3: processing delayed root objects
Thread 3: processing gray objects
Thread 3: finished processing gray objects
Thread 3: finish completeTrace
After Collection: used = 3.03 Mb = boot 0.00 Mb + immortal 0.00 Mb + meta 0.00 Mb + los 0.00 Mb + sanity 0.00 Mb + non-moving 0.00 Mb + sm-code 0.00 Mb M
used = 778 pgs = boot 0 pgs + immortal 0 pgs + meta 1 pgs + los 0 pgs + sanity 0 pgs + non-moving 0 pgs + sm-code 0 pgs + lg-code 0 pgs
Key: (I)mmortal (N)onmoving (D)iscontiguous (E)xtent (F)raction
HEAP_START 0x0000000000000000
AVAILABLE_START 0x0000000004400000
boot IN 0x0000000000000000->0x00000000043fffff E 0x0000000004400000
immortal IND []
meta ND [0x0000000004c00000->0x0000000004ffffff]
los ND []
sanity ND []
non-moving ND []
sm-code ND []
lg-code ND []
ss0 D []
ss1 D []
trace ND []
rc ND [0x0000000005800000->0x0000000005bfffff, 0x0000000005000000->0x00000000053fffff, 0x0000000004400000->0x00000000047fffff]
rclos ND [0x0000000004800000->0x0000000004bfffff]
gcspy IND []
AVAILABLE_END 0x00000000f0000000
HEAP_END 0x00000000f0000000
reserved = 3 MB (778 pgs) used = 3 MB (778 pgs) total = 16 MB (4096 pgs)
Collection time: 916.46 ms
[STWController: Worker threads complete!]
[STWController: Resuming mutators...]
[STWController: Waiting for request...]
waiting 4
Confucius: Eating...
Confucius: Picking up fork 4
Confucius: Picking up fork 0
Confucius: Eating...
Confucius: Picking up fork 4
Confucius: Picking up fork 0
Confucius: Eating...
Confucius: Picking up fork 4
Confucius: Picking up fork 0
Confucius: Eating...
Confucius: Picking up fork 4
Confucius: Picking up fork 0
Confucius: Eating...
Confucius: Picking up fork 4
Socrates: Picking up fork 4
Plato: Eating...QEMU 5.0.0 monitor - type 'help' for more information
(qemu) stop
(qemu) info registers
RAX=0000000004473bd8 RBX=0000000000000000 RCX=0000000004473be0 RDX=0000000004473bd8
RSI=000000000451c4d8 RDI=0000000000000000 RBP=0000000000000000 RSP=00000000048b0ba0
R8 =0000000000000000 R9 =0000000000000000 R10=0000000000000000 R11=0000000000000000
R12=0000000000000000 R13=0000000000000000 R14=0000000000000000 R15=0000000000000000
RIP=00000000033fcdc9 RFL=00000003 [------C] CPL=0 II=0 A20=1 SMM=0 HLT=1
ES =0000 0000000000000000 00000000 00000000
CS =0008 0000000000000000 0fffffff 00a09a00 DPL=0 CS64 [-R-]
SS =0000 0000000000000000 ffffffff 00c09300 DPL=0 DS [-WA]
DS =0000 0000000000000000 00000000 00000000
FS =0000 0000000000000000 00000000 00000000
GS =0000 0000000000000000 00000000 00000000
LDT=0000 0000000000000000 0000ffff 00008200 DPL=0 LDT
TR =0000 0000000000000000 0000ffff 00008b00 DPL=0 TSS64-busy
GDT= 0000000000100810 00000017
IDT= 0000000000001000 000005ff
CR0=80000011 CR2=0000000000000000 CR3=0000000000101000 CR4=000006a0
DR0=0000000000000000 DR1=0000000000000000 DR2=0000000000000000 DR3=0000000000000000
DR6=00000000ffff0ff0 DR7=0000000000000400
FCW=0000 FSW=0000 [ST=0] FTW=00 MXCSR=00000000
FPR0=0000000000000000 0000 FPR1=0000000000000000 0000
FPR2=0000000000000000 0000 FPR3=0000000000000000 0000
FPR4=0000000000000000 0000 FPR5=0000000000000000 0000
FPR6=0000000000000000 0000 FPR7=0000000000000000 0000
XMM00=0000000000000000000000004f000000 XMM01=0000000000000000000000003f800000
XMM02=00000000000000000000000000000000 XMM03=00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM04=00000000000000000000000000000000 XMM05=00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM06=00000000000000000000000000000000 XMM07=00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM08=00000000000000000000000000000000 XMM09=00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM10=00000000000000000000000000000000 XMM11=00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM12=00000000000000000000000000000000 XMM13=00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM14=00000000000000000000000000000000 XMM15=00000000000000000000000000000000
Creating a new class Trace to create a trace events in hope of finding the cause. I have been debugging this issue for the past week.