The repository contains several sample implementations of expression parsers based on binding powers, precedence climbing and insertion of virtual operands.
The term precedence climbing is used here in a generic sense; the algorithms can be iterative, recursive, or mixed (with loops and recursion).
The expressions to be parsed can consist of atomic operands, binary infix
operators, unary prefix and unary postfix operators. In the following example,
is a prefix operator, !
is a postfix operator, and >
, *
, +
infix operators:
(1) & a > 7 * b ! + 2
Parsing of unary operators (prefix, postfix) is traced back to parsing of infix operators. All operators in the expression can have virtually arbitrary binding powers. The left and right binding powers of an infix operator are independent.
Python 3.8 or higher is required. More details can be found in the text PARSING.
An infix operator has a left and a right binding power (lbp and rbp). Prefix operators have an rbp, and postfix operators have an lbp. Binding powers are numbers (often integers); they indicate the strength of binding (the precedence) to the left or to the right. Frequently, lbp and rbp of a specific infix operator are equal or differ only by one. They can, however, differ by any number, as long as they are in an allowed range (here: 6 to 99). Binding powers of unary operators can be smaller than the binding powers of infix operators in the same expression.
Parsing based on lbp and rbp (two numbers) can be more powerful than the approach based on precedence (in the specific sense: one number) and associativity (two values: left or right). Associativity can be expressed in terms of binding powers: An infix operator will be right associative if its rbp is less than its lbp.
The tokenizers insert a left operand $PRE
before a prefix operator, and a
right operand $POST
after a postfix operator. In a further preparatory step,
prefix operators are assigned a fake left binding power of 100
, and postfix
operators are assigned a fake right binding power of 100
. The result is an
alternating sequence of operands and infix operators, starting and ending with
an operand. This procedure makes it easy to use unary operators with
virtually arbitrary binding powers.
In addition, a special $BEGIN
token is placed at the beginning, and an
token is placed at the end of the token sequence. These tokens
can act as a kind of operator in the process of parsing, depending
on the specific parser: A negative rbp is assigned to $BEGIN
and a
negative lbp to $END
The complete token sequence generated by the tokenizer for the example (1) is
(2) $BEGIN $PRE & a > 7 * b ! $POST + 2 $END
The parsers return nested Python lists that represent parse trees. These lists can
be formatted as Lisp-like S-expressions. For example, parsing 5 + 3 ! * 4
create the list [+, 5, [*, [!, 3, $POST], 4]]
, or (+ 5 (* (! 3 $POST) 4))
as S-expression. Without the virtual operand $POST
this is
(+ 5 (* (! 3) 4))
- Find and compare sample implementations of precedence climbing algorithms based on binding powers. Encourage experimentation.
- Use insertion of virtual operands to facilitate parsing of unary operators.
- Separate definition of parsing rules from the implementation of the parsers.
- Better understand the meaning of precedence correct parsing.
Exploring the full potential of precedence climbing parsing based on binding powers and token insertion is not the goal of this repository. Pratt parsing (although related), context-free grammars, Backus normal forms and the like are not considered. The software does not contain evaluators for the parse trees.
The Python interpreter (version 3.8 or higher) with the standard library is
enough for the parsers. The bash
shell is required for a test script.
There are ten parsers, in separate modules. Nine of them, which shall be called basic parsers here, share the same high-level interface:
and pcp_ir_0_no_ins
are iterative and recursive. Contrary to
the general setting, the latter it is not based on token insertion. Instead,
special code takes care of prefix and postfix operators.
, pcp_it_0_1wg
and pcp_it_0_2w
implement iterative
, pcp_rec_0_1
, pcp_rec_0_2
and pcp_rec_03
are recursive
(without loops) and more or less functional (in the sense of functional
All these parsers accept the same syntax for operator definitions.
Analysis of the code and test results support this claim:
All basic parsers accept the same set of expressions and create identical results with identical input, provided they use identical operator and binding power definitions. In the parse process, they create subexpressions in the same order.
This should also justify the use of the generic term precedence climbing.
The remaining parser, direct_pcp_ir_0
, uses the algorithm of pcp_ir_0
parse some 'hard coded' examples. It is 'self-contained' (no imports).
The software is contained in ten parser modules, the modules
, the JSON file binding_powers.json
(syntax), the shell
and the file basic_tests.txt
(test data for the shell
All files should be placed in the same directory. Note that there is only minimal error handling. Run the parsers from the command line.
The parser
is simply run by
The rest of this section refers to the nine basic parsers.
The syntax definition is loaded from the file binding_powers.json
unless one of the options -r
, -d
is in effect (see below). Edit the
syntax definition if desired.
A parser can be run by
is one of the basic parser modules. Example:
python3 '3 + 5! * 6^2'
Use python
instead of python3
if required. Enclose the code in single
quotes or (on Windows?) double quotes. Tokens are separated by whitespace,
or by transition from an alphanumeric to a special character or vice versa.
In this regard, underscore, parentheses and semicolon are considered
alphanumeric. A minus sign followed by a digit is also considered
alphanumeric. Operands should be integers or identifiers.
This above command will parse the code by the specified parser and generate
detailed output -- among others, a two-dimensional representation of the parse
tree and indications of correctness of the parsing. The output can be more
concise or more verbose. Use the option -h
(with any basic parser) to find
out all ways to run the parsers.
The call syntax
may work, depending on the operating system and the
shell. An example:
./ '3 + 5! * 6^2'
The bash
shell script
reads test codes from the file
and processes them with the nine basic parsers. It should
work on systems that support bash
scripts. Run the script without arguments,
or with the option -q
(quiet, i.e., less verbose output).
The command
python3 PARSER_MODULE -r [nop [nbp [lexpr]]]
will parse a generated expression containing lexpr infix operators which are
taken randomly from a collection of up to nop operators. The lbp and rbp
values of the operators are taken randomly and independently, from the range
6 ... 6+nbp-1
. Non-specified values default to 6. An example:
python3 -r 4 3
Results of calls with option -r
are not reproducible.
The command
python3 PARSER_MODULE -d lbp1 rbp1, lbp2 rbp2, ..., lbpn rbpn
will parse an expression with operators (lbp1;rbp1)
to (lbpn;rbpn)
operands A0
, ..., An
, where lbpk
, rbpk
are the binding
powers of the k
-th operator. All binding powers should be in range
6 ... 99
. For example,
python3 -d 7 8, 9 10
will create and parse the expression
A0 (7;8) A1 (9;10) A2
Unary operators can also be included. Use the help option (-h
) for details.
The repository is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE.
This repository was inspired by works on precedence climbing and Pratt parsing
by Theodore Norvell, Aleksey Kladov
(matklad), Andy Chu, Eli Bendersky, Fredrik Lundh (effbot),
Annika Aasa and others. See section 5 in the text
The correctness test and the definitions of operator ranges implemented
are adapted from definitions by Annika Aasa in
Precedences in Specifications and Implementations of Programming Languages
(1995). In the gist
by Olivier Breuleux (see dummy token are used to convert
unary to infix operators.