This ML Development environment allows to work interactively with Jupyter Notebooks on ML Projects using VsCode and devcontainers. Working with ETL pipelines is also possible since pyspark is also available.
Main Packages are:
- numpy
- pandas
- scikit-learn
- hyperopt
- mlflow
- xgboost
- pyarrow
- pyspark
- mlflow
- jupyterlab
- PyWavelets
- keras-tcn
You must have the following software installed in your pc:
For Linux based distributed Systems:
- Docker
- VsCode
- Docker Extension
- Dev Container Extensions
For Windows System:
- WSL2
- Docker Desktop
- VsCode
- Docker Extension
- Dev Container Extensions
"git clone" this repository and then, in order to reproduce the results initialize docker.
If using Windows, then in WSL2:
sudo /etc/init.d/docker start
If using Linux based distributed System:
sudo systemctl start docker
Remember to have added your user to the user group:
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Then, create image from Docker file:
sudo docker build -t ml_dev:latest .devcontainer/
Run interactive docker session, where "PWD" is your current working directory in the terminal:
sudo docker run -it -p 8888:8888 --name <container_name> -v "${PWD}":/home/ ml_dev:latest
Then the container can be reused by:
sudo docker start -i <container_name>
In Linux go to your vscode and open your working directoy, and press Crtl + Shift + p and select:
Dev containers: Attach to runnig container...
In Windows open Vscode then ress Crtl + Shift + p and select:
Attach to runnig container...
A new VsCode window will open up, now you can start working with jupyter files, python files, debuggers, etc.
For jupyter notebooks install the "Jupyter" extension on the the VsCode window.