This repository contains Dockerfile of Pushpin for Docker published to the public Docker Hub Registry.
Install Docker.
Download automated build from public Docker Hub Registry:
docker pull johnjelinek/pushpin
(alternatively, you can build an image from Dockerfile:
docker build -t="johnjelinek/pushpin"
docker run -dt -p 7999:7999 --name pushpin johnjelinek/pushpin
Start an acceptor container that exposes on port 8080.
Start a pushpin container by linking to the acceptor container:
docker run -dt -p 7999:7999 --link acceptor:app johnjelinek/pushpin
Open http://<host>:7999
to see the result.
- Start a responder container by linking to the pushpin container:
docker run -d --link pushpin:pushpin ubuntu bash -c "apt-get update; apt-get install -y curl; while true; do curl -s -d '{ \"items\": [ { \"channel\": \"test\", \"http-stream\": { \"content\": \"hello there\n\" } } ] }' http://pushpin:5561/publish ; sleep 1; done"