The api enables you to create/ register a user within the application.
I wrote up a post on medium of how I developed this API, you can find it here
- Running the application
- Live Application
- API Documentation
- Users
- Buckets
- Bucket Items
- Generating Dummy Data
- Running tests
In order to run the application set the environment variable below.
Then run the command below to start the application.
flask run
This API is hosted here on heroku
The api documentation is hosted as the homepage of the application.
Send a POST
request to v1/auth/register
endpoint with the payload in
An example would be
"email": "",
"password": "123456"
The email value must be a valid email format and the password must be
four characters and above.
If the email is invalid or empty and the password is empty or less than
four character, the response status
will be failed
with the message
Missing or wrong email format or password is less than four characters
and a status code
of 202
As shown below:
"message": "Missing or wrong email format or password",
"status": "failed"
If the user already exists then they wont be registered again, the following response will be returned.
"message": "Failed, User already exists, Please #",
"status": "failed"
If the request is successful and the user has been registered the response below is returned. With an auth token
"auth_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1MDM0ODQ5OTYsImlhdCI6MTUwMzM5ODU4Niwic3ViIjo1fQ.GC6IEOohdo_xrz9__UeugIlir0qtJdKbEzBtLgqjt5A",
"message": "Successfully registered",
"status": "success"
The user is able to login by send sending a POST
request to
with the json payload below.
"email": "",
"password": "123456"
If the request is successful the following response is returned:
"auth_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1MDM0OTIzMzQsImlhdCI6MTUwMzQwNTkyNCwic3ViIjo1fQ.dRDTIP93WNRNv5Q7vCLLHuZfwvH5ze2B_VdRm6qHJbU",
"message": "Successfully logged In",
"status": "success"
Otherwise if the email is invalid, user with the email does not exist or the password length is incorrect or less than four characters, the following response is returned.
"message": "Missing or wrong email format or password is less than four characters",
"status": "failed"
The api also enables a user to logout. The auth/logout
provides this functionality.
request to the endpoint must have an Authorization
header containing the auth token, otherwise the user wont be logged out.
Example of the Authorization header
Authorization Bearer <token>
If the operation is successful, the response below will be returned.
"message": "Successfully logged out",
"status": "success"
If the token has expired this will be returned.
"message": "Signature expired, Please # again",
"status": "failed"
For an invalid token
"message": "Invalid token. Please # again",
"status": "failed"
Without an Authorization header
"message": "Provide an authorization header",
"status": "failed"
The user is also able to create and get back a list of their buckets.
Below is an example of a request to create a bucket. name is a required attribute. An auth token must be attached in the Authorization header
"name": "Travel"
The following response will be returned
"createdAt": "Wed, 23 Aug 2017 10:14:52 GMT",
"id": 2,
"modifiedAt": "Wed, 23 Aug 2017 10:14:52 GMT",
"name": "Travel",
"status": "success"
Below is an example of a get request endpoint to get the users buckets. An auth token must be attached in the Authorization header. The results returned are paginated.
You can also get a bucket by its id by using the this endpoint and replacing the bucket_id with an existing bucket Id.
The following response will be returned.
"bucket": {
"createdAt": "2017-08-24T19:56:07.942974",
"id": 3,
"modifiedAt": "2017-08-24T19:56:07.942974",
"name": "Travel"
"status": "success"
You can also edit the bucket name by sending a PUT
request to
this endpoint with a Json payload having the name attribute
"name": "Cooking"
A bucket can also be deleted by sending a Delete
request with the bucket Id as shown below.
You can also add, edit, update and delete items in a Bucket.
Get all the items contained in the bucket by specifying the Bucket Id. The results returned paginated.
You can also get an item from the Bucket by specifying the item Id and Bucket Id as shown in the endpoint below.
Send a Json payload with the item name and/or description to this endpoint by specifying the Bucket Id.
Example Json payload
"name": "biscuits",
"description": "lorem ispum"
An item can be edited by sending a PUT
with a Json payload with a name and/or description.
Specifying the Bucket Id and Item Id as shown in the
endpoint below.
To delete an item from a Bucket, send a DELETE
request specifying a Bucket Id and Item Id as shown
You can also generate dummy data to test out the different API endpoints. All you have to do is run this command
python dummy
A user
with an email address of
and password 123456
is created. And also 100
Buckets and 1000
Bucket Items are created
and items linked to the different Buckets.
Before running the application tests, update your env variables
export APP_SETTINGS=app.config.TestingConfig
export DATABASE_URL_TEST=<postgres database url>
You can now run the tests from the terminal
python test
You can also run tests with coverage by running this command in the terminal
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=app