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Mock and test helpers for GitHub Actions - Archived, please use another testing tools


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🚨 This project has been archived. It's been largely unmaintained for over 2 years, and there are better tools and methods for testing GitHub Actions 😄


Mocking helpers for testing GitHub Actions


The exported package contains the following GitHub Actions testing utilities.

  // used to end-to-end test an action script
  run: [AsyncFunction: run],

  // used to unit test an action
  mocks: {
    exec: {
      mock: [Function: mock],
      clear: [Function: clear],
      restore: [Function: restore],
      setLog: [Function: setLog]
    github: {
      mock: [Function: mock],
      clear: [Function: clear],
      restore: [Function: restore],
      setLog: [Function: setLog]

End to end testing

Use the exported method, run(action, { mocks, env })

  • action (required) is the full path to the action script to run
  • mocks (optional) configurations for mocking @actions modules
  • env (optional) environment to set on action process

All mock classes are enabled by default to provide a safe environment to run actions locally. Mock classes can be configured by setting mocks.<actions toolkit package name> = [<mock expectations>]. All mock expectations MUST be serializable using JSON.stringify.

mocks.exec = [{ command: 'git commit', exitCode: 1 }]
mocks.github = [{ method: 'GET', uri: '/issues', code: 200 }]

run returns an object { out, err, status }.

  • out: the full log of output written to stdout
  • err: the full log of output written to stderr
  • status: the exit code of the action

See the tests for more examples.

Unit testing

This package can be used for unit testing with the imported mocks object.

Each mocks sub-object supports the following API:

mock - Add one or more mock(s). Accepts either a single mock configuration and an array of mock configurations.

  • defaults to JSON.parse(process.env.<MOCK NAME>_MOCKS || '[]')

setLog - Set the method used to log commands and API calls during testing

  • defaults to console.log

clear - Clears all currently configured mocks

restore - Resets configured mocks and the logging method back to their defaults.

const { mocks } = require('actions-mocks');
const myLib = require('../lib/myLib');
const os = require('os');

// myLib.gitAdd calls `git add`
let output = '';
mocks.exec.setLog(log => output += log + os.EOL);
mocks.exec.mock({ command: 'git add', stdout: 'git output', exitCode: 10 });

const { exitCode, commandStdout } = await myLib.gitAdd('arg');
expect(commandStdout).toMatch('git output');
expect(output).toMatch('git add');

// myLib.listIssues calls `octokit.issues.list()`
output = '';
mocks.github.setLog(log => output += log + os.EOL);
mocks.github.mock({ method: 'GET', uri: '/issues', response: '[]', code: 200 });

const { data, status } = await myLib.listIssues();
expect(output).toMatch('GET /issues');

See the exec and github unit tests for more examples.

Mocking @actions/exec

The @actions/exec mock catches all calls to @actions/exec.exec and

  1. log the full command and it's execution options to the specified logging method (default: console.log)
    • calls are logged as <full command with args> <key>:<value> <key>:<value> where key/value pairs are from the options object passed to @actions/exec.exec
  2. output provided stdout using the passed in options
  3. output provided stderr using the passed in options
  4. return an exit code
    • if the command doesn't match a configured mock, rejects with an error for exit code 127
    • if the command matches a configured mock, resolves to the configured exitCode if 0 or rejects with an error for non-0 values

The mocked call returns a promise that is resolved for a 0 exit code and rejected with an error for all other exit codes. Calls to @actions/exec.exec that specify options: { ignoreReturnCode: true } will never be rejected.

// with a resolved mocked command
const exitCode = await exec.exec(...);

// with a rejected mocked command
await exec.exec(...).catch(exitCode => { });

// with a rejected mocked command using ignoreReturnCode
const exitCode = await exec.exec(..., {  ignoreReturnCode: true });

To configure the mock behavior, pass an array of objects with the following format:

  // (required) pattern of command to match.
  // Uses String.prototype.match to perform regex evaluation
  command: '',
  // (optional) data to output to stdout on matching exec call
  stdout: '',
  // (optional) data to output to stderr on matching exec call
  stderr: '',
  // (optional) exit code to return, defaults to 0
  exitCode: 0,
  // (optional) number of times the mock should be used.  defaults to a persistent mock if not set
  count: 1

Command patterns are prioritized based on their location in the passed in array. In the following example, git commit will return an exit code of 1 while all other commands will return an exit code of 0.

{ command: 'git commit', exitCode: 1 },
{ command: '', exitCode: 0 }

Mocking @actions/github

The @actions/github mock uses nock to catch all calls to and

  1. log all API requests to the specified logging method (default: console.log)
    • calls are logged as <METHOD> <path?query> <request body>
  2. returns a response
    1. status
      • calls that don't match any configured mocks will return a 404
      • calls that match a configured mock will return code, or 200 if not set
    2. data
      • response data can be specified when configuring a mock using the response property
      • response data can be loaded from a fixture by using the responseFixture property
// with a successful (2xx) mocked API call
const { data } = await octokit.user.repos(...);

// with a failed (4xx-5xx) mocked API call
await octokit.user.repos(...).catch(({data}) => { });

To configure the mock behavior, pass an array of objects with the following format:

  // (required) the request method to match
  method: 'GET',
  // (required) uri pattern to match.  should not include the domain (
  // Uses String.prototype.match to perform regex evaluation
  uri: '/user/repos',
  // (optional) http code to set on the response, default: 200
  code: 200,
  // (DEPRECATED) Please use `code` to specify a response http code
  // (optional) http code to set on the response, default: 200
  responseCode: 200,
  // (optional) response to send, given as a string
  response: '[]',
  // (optional) path to load response contents from
  file: 'path/to/file',
  // (DEPRECATED) Please use `file` to load response contents from a file, along with headers `content-type` = `application/json`
  // (optional) response to send, given as a path to a JSON fixture to load
  responseFixture: '',
  // (optional) headers to set on the mocked response
  headers: {},
  // (optional) number of times the mock should be used.  defaults to a persistent mock if not set
  count: 1

Command patterns are prioritized based on their location in the passed in array.

// `GET /user/repos` will return a 400
{ method: 'GET', uri: '/user/repos', code: 400 },
// all other `GET` commands will return 500
{ method: 'GET', uri: '', code: 500 }


Mock and test helpers for GitHub Actions - Archived, please use another testing tools





