Simple wrapper script around fileicon to update multiple app icons on macOS with one command.
fileicon needs to be installed on your system.
$ brew install fileicon
$ curl -sSL > /usr/local/bin/appiconupdate && chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/appiconupdate
Create a directory for your app icons and place them in it. Icons work best as .icns or .png files with 512x512 pixels.
$ mkdir /path/to/icons
IMPORTANT: The name of the icon files must match the application name within /Applications
$ ls /path/to/icons
Visual Studio Code.icns Docker.icns
$ ls /Applications
Visual Studio
$ appiconupdate /path/to/icons
Optionally you can set the icon path as environment variable
export ICN_PATH=/path/to/icons
or create an alias.
alias appiconupdate="appiconupdate /path/to/icons"