Calculates Swedish income tax.
##Install npm install swe-income-tax ##Usage
> var sweTax = require('swe-income-tax')
> sweTax.taxDetails(300000, 0.326, 2016, 1980)
inkomst: 300000,
grundavdrag: 17900,
pensionsavgift: 21000,
jobbskatteavdrag: 23180,
kommunalskatt: 91965,
statligskatt: 0,
totalskatt: 68785
- @param {number} yearlyIncome The taxable income
- @param {number} taxRate Tax rate for the municipality
- @param {number} year Year for when money was earned
- @param {number} birthYear Year of birth of the tax payer
- @return {object}
Returns an object with all deductions and taxes for the given income.
- @param {number} yearlyIncome The taxable income
- @param {number} taxRate Tax rate for the municipality
- @param {number} year Year for when money was earned
- @param {number} birthYear Year of birth of the tax payer
- @return {number}
Returns the total tax to be paid for the entire year.
- @param {number} yearlyIncome The taxable income
- @param {number} taxRate Tax rate for the municipality
- @param {number} year Year for when money was earned
- @param {number} birthYear Year of birth of the tax payer
- @return {number}
Returns tax to be paid per month for a monthly income.