Spring Boot Starter for booting fast with the JBoss Business Rules Engine Drools Expert and KIE Components
See the Testclass for how to use the drools-api (it's basicly the KieSession you need to interact with) or have a look at the springdrools example project, to see how to use the starter in your project.
There´s no official maven-repo-release, so you can use jitpack
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
Step 2. Add the dependency in the form (change version to actual commit-id you can lookup here)
- Error handling of Rules-Editing is bad (getting Cast-Exceptions, when Rules aren´t correctly defined - which happens 1000 times while developing...)
- if you´re using Spring Tool Suite, be shure you have 3.6.4 or higher, otherwise you get an installation error with drools described on stackoverflow
- install drools with droolsupdatesite for 6.2.0.Final or if the version is old, get the newest from droolsdownload: