Demo project for reading Files from within Spring Boot Fat-jar with Java NIO.2
There is an Issue with loading Files inside of a SpringBoot Fatjar with Java NIO.2 Files and especially Paths.get()-Methode, which is needed to use Files. Oracle has something for ya.
Run it inside of eclipse (after mvn eclipse:eclipse) and firering a GET to
(e.g. with Postman) should work (giving something like "File reading successfull"). Inside your IDE, the Path will look something like this:
Then, run it with something like
java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=8000,suspend=n -jar springbootreadfilejar-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
and create a remote-debug-configuration in eclipse, when you´re inside the project.
Then run your debugger. Firering to the url again - does it work?
Now the Path is magically looking like
Because you can just use with @Value-Annotation - and all the Stuff is handled by Spring for you!
Look at the second Method inside FileReader-Class and run the second test. Just
private Resource file;
That´s it.