Docker compose file to configure a simple php development server with nginx or apache, using the mysql database;
- Docker >= 1.13;
- Docker compose >= 1.18;
- For command line addproject binary:
- PHP >= 5.6 with shell_exec and exec functions enabled;
- pdo_mysql (For mysql database);
- pdo_pgsql (For postgres database);
PHP 7.1 FPM with extensions:
bcmath calendar Core ctype curl date dom fileinfo filter ftp gd gettext hash iconv intl json libxml mbstring mcrypt mysqlnd openssl pcre PDO pdo_mysql pdo_sqlite Phar posix readline Reflection session SimpleXML soap SPL sqlite3 standard tokenizer xml xmlreader xmlwriter zlib - Check the php docker file on configs/docker/images/php/Dockerfile to install another extensions
- See php-docker for more information about installing extensions on a php docker container;
MySQL 5.7;
Postgres 9.6;
Nginx 1.13;
Apache 2.24;
# Select your prefered database on on docker-compose.yml service database
file: database.yml
# service: mysql
# service: pgsql
# Select your prefered webserver on on docker-compose.yml service webserver
file: webserver.yml
# service: nginx
# service: apache
# Start the containers
$ docker-compose up -d
- Enjoy the docker magic 😆
The project comes with a php file to include projects (bin/addproject.php), the file reads a json and create the virtualhost, database and user for the project;
# Duplicate the file configs/projects.json.default to configs/projects.json
$ cp configs/projects.json.default configs/projects.json
// Configure the project
"server_id": {
"webserver": "apache|nginx",
"database": "mysql|postgres",
"database_rootpassword": "123456",
"server_name": "",
"document_root": "",
"upload_root": "",
"database_name": "",
"database_user": "",
"database_password": ""
- Check the comments on file for more information
# Run the php file
$ php bin/addproject.php <project name>
"foo-project": {
"webserver": "nginx",
"database": "postgres",
"database_rootpassword": "postgres",
"server_name": "",
"document_root": "/var/www/foobar",
"upload_root": "/var/www/uploads/foobar",
"database_name": "foo_bar",
"database_user": "foo_bar_user",
"database_password": "foo_bar_secret"
$ php bin/addproject.php foo-project
- Don't forget to append the server_name to your machine hosts file;