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Easy Ollama package for Golang

Example use

go get -u

package main

import (


func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	g := gollama.New("llama3.2")
	g.Verbose = true
	if err := g.PullIfMissing(ctx); err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	prompt := "what is the capital of Argentina?"

	type Capital struct {
		Capital string `required:"true"`

	option := gollama.StructToStructuredFormat(Capital{})

	fmt.Printf("Option: %+v\n", option)

	output, err := g.Chat(ctx, prompt, option)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	fmt.Printf("\n%s\n", output.Content)


  • Support Vision models
  • Support Tools models
  • Support Structured format
  • Downloads model if missing
  • Chat with model
  • Generates embeddings with model
  • Get model details


  • New(model string) *Gollama - Create a new Gollama
  • NewWithConfig(config Gollama) *Gollama - Create a new Gollama with a pre-populated config
  • Chat(prompt string, ...ChatOption) (*gollama.ChatOutput, error) - Generate a response
  • Embedding(prompt string) ([]float64, error) - Generate embeddings
  • ListModels() ([]ModelInfo, error) - List models available on ollama
  • HasModel(model string) (bool, error) - Check if model is available
  • ModelSize(model string) (int, error) - Get model size from ollama
  • PullModel(model string) error - Pull model
  • PullIfMissing(model ...string) error - Pull model if missing
  • GetDetails(model ...string) ([]ModelDetails, error) - Get model details from ollama
  • Version() (string, error) - Get ollama version
  • StructToStructuredFormat(interface{}) StructuredFormat - Converts a Go struct to a Gollama structured format
  • CosenoSimilarity(vector1, vector2 []float64) float64 - Calculates the cosine similarity between two vectors
  • output.DecodeContent(output interface{}) error - Decodes the content of a Gollama response