cline Public
Forked from cline/clineAutonomous coding agent right in your IDE, capable of creating/editing files, executing commands, using the browser, and more with your permission every step of the way.
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 28, 2025 -
personal-project-base Public template
My personal base project. Dokku/Docker/Django/SQLite
Python UpdatedApr 21, 2023 -
hetzner-dns-tools Public
Forked from arcanemachine/hetzner-dns-toolsA simple Hetzner DNS API client for Python and Bash
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 28, 2022 -
flask-serverless Public
A cookiecutter tempate for running a `Flask` application on AWS Lambda with `serverless`.
backupserver Public
An Ansible playbook, which sets up a backup server with borgbackup
UpdatedJan 31, 2021 -
devserver Public
An Ansible playbook, which sets up my development environment.
UpdatedJan 31, 2021 -
django-package-example Public
A small Django project, suitable for including as an example project in a reusable Django application.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 9, 2020 -
fabric Public
Forked from fabric/fabricSimple, Pythonic remote execution and deployment. Please file tickets at http://code.fabfile.org instead of sending pull requests!
django-test-runner Public
A web frontend for running tests and displaying results
dear-github-2.0 Public
Forked from drop-ice/dear-github-2.0📨 An open letter to GitHub from the maintainers of open source projects
UpdatedDec 6, 2019 -
python-testing Public
A container of my favorite Python testing tools.
Dockerfile UpdatedJan 31, 2019 -
Ping, but with a graph
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJan 19, 2019 -
python-poetry Public
Forked from etienne-napoleone/docker-python-poetryA Python Docker image with the `poetry` package manager preinstalled.
django_material_mkdocs Public
Forked from farnetani/django_material_mkdocsA Django wrapper application to provide authentication (powered by django-allauth) to an mkdocs project. By default this also includes mkdocs-material.
HTML MIT License UpdatedJul 28, 2018 -
retina-replace-js Public
jQuery plugin to replace images for retina displays.
django-ajax-form-validator Public
Forked from Itsindigo/django-ajax-form-validatorExample of how to provide inline validation to django forms.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 10, 2018 -
Striker Public
Forked from s0md3v/StrikerStriker is an offensive information and vulnerability scanner.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 31, 2017 -
The-London-Django-Meetup-Group Public
Forked from djangolondon/djangolondon.github.ioLondon Django Meetup Group
UpdatedSep 29, 2015 -
django-background-tasker Public
Forked from brent-hoover/django-background-taskerA lightweight django background task runner application build on top of zeromq
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 22, 2014 -
django-suit-redactor Public
Forked from darklow/django-suit-redactorImperavi Readactor (WYSIWYG editor) integration app for Django admin
JavaScript UpdatedJul 24, 2013 -
python-cloudservers Public
Forked from devcamcar/python-novaclientPython API Binding for Cloud Servers