Operational software for brick-and-mortar auction houses. This is a toy project tinkering with:
- KnockoutJS
- Ruby
- Sinatra
- Padrino
- MongoMapper
After checking out the project, you should be able to run it by installing padrino then using the start command. If you run into problems, take a look at the full Padrino install guide
sudo gem install padrino
cd auction
bundle install
padrino start
The application should now be available at http://localhost:3000 A development database URL is currently hard-coded into the application hosted by MongoHQ, so for the time-being you don't need to worry about running your own Mongo instance (unless you want to).
To create a new user:
padrino rake seed
You will be prompted for a username and password (the rest of the user values will be stubbed in for you -- you can change them from the application after logging in).