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Vim Flow

Declarative build-test-run workflow with Vim.

  cmd: go run {{filepath}}


VimFlow keeps you in your editor and productive allowing you to run, test or format your current project with a single command. By exposing a simple interface and allowing you to define run commands in whatever shell language you are comfortable with, you can easily configure projects and scripts to your liking.

Some common use cases for vim-flow are:

  • running your favorite one off script executor of choice eg: bash|python|ruby|go run etc...
  • running a code formatter / test suite for a large project you are working on
  • running any arbitrary script at any given time from vim while working

Flow Run

The :FlowRun command is responsible for executing anything and everything for a buffer within vim. Behind the scenes, :FlowRun will fetch the current filename and find a .flow.yml file to run. vim-flow starts at the current buffer's directory and walks upwards looking for the first .flow.yml file it finds.

Let's say you are working on main.go and have the following directory structure:

├── .flow.yml
└── main.go

and your .flow.yml file contains the following:

# .flow.yml
  cmd: goimports -w {{filepath}} && go run {{filepath}}

:FlowRun will load in the local .flow.yml, match up and find the script go imports {{filepath}} && go run {{filepath}} by extension (.go) and will run that in the current vim window.

cmd can be any command you can run in your terminal! Behind the scenes, vim-flow templates this out into a temporary file script and runs that script as part of its execution.

Here's a more complicated example:

|-- .flow.yml
|-- benchmark_test.go
└── main.go
# .flow.yml
  cmd: | #!/bin/bash
    cd $(dirname {{filepath}})
    set -e
    goimports -w .
    go test -v .
    go test -bench=.
    GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build server.go

Behind the scenes, flow would write the entire contents of the cmd out to a temporary script and execute it as a bash script. In this particular example, you could run a formatter, test suite, benchmark suite and a build job all with one vim command.

Flow Lock

Part of the flow workflow is staying in your editor, popping around and changing filepaths frequently. Let's say you are working on a large project with many different files and build jobs:

In this example, you may want to have different flows for the gopackage directory, some bash scripts in /scripts and even the bins/main.go file.

├── .flow.yml
├── bins
│   └── main.go
├── gopackage
│   ├── .flow.yml
│   ├── gopackage.go
│   └── gopackage_test.go
└── scripts
    ├── build
    └── test

You may also have an editor open with many of these buffers open. While you are working in gopackage you may want to build the entire project.

vim-flow supports the ability to "lock" onto a file. By running :FlowToggleLock you can lock onto a file and any future calls to :FlowRun will use that file. This allows you to pop around to many different files while still calling the flow that you'd like to.

Let's say we have the following flow, where you want to run go build for any go file and simply want to execute any other file by itself.

  cmd: {{filepath}}

  cmd: | #!/bin/bash
    cd $(dirname {{filepath}})
    go build .

By locking onto main.go with :FlowToggleLock in your vim session, whenever you call :FlowRun flow will run the go flow. This allows you to switch to other files, buffers around your work space and still run the flow you'd like.

To unlock a file, simply call :FlowToggleLock again.

Tmux Support

vim-flow supports running commands in a separate tmux session and pane. For longer builds or when you'd like to avoid interrupting your vim session, you can specify this in a flow file:

# .flow.yaml
  tmux_session: foo
  tmux_pane: 1
  cmd: | #!/bin/bash
    echo "executing go script in another tmux pane"
    go run {{filepath}}

tmux example


vim-flow can be installed by simply adding it as a dependency using vundle:

Plugin 'jonmorehouse/vim-flow'

vim-flow requires python support within vim. If you aren't sure if you have python enabled in your current vim installation, the following command will return 1/0 for success failure.

:echo has('python')

Getting Started

You'll probably want to add some reasonable flow defaults. Its nice to be able to hit :FlowRun from any sort of "standard" one off script and it just work.

Adding a $HOME/.flow.yml file with some reasonable defaults is a good starting point.

# $HOME/

# execute any plain script by itself
  cmd: {{filepath}}

# run flake8 and python {{filepath}} for any python file
  cmd: |#!/bin/bash
    flake8 {{filepath}}
    python {{filepath}}

# run go fmt and go run {{filepath}} for any golang file
  cmd: |#!/bin/bash
    go fmt -w {{filepath}}
    go run {{filepath}}


VimFlow provides two commands out of the box:

  • :FlowRun - run a flow for the current file.
  • :FlowToggleLock - lock or unlock the current file

By design, vim-flow doesn't have any opinions about how these commands should be run as part of your vim workflow. For instance, it might be helpful to map one or both of these commands to normal mode mappings to avoid having to call them from the vim command line each time.

For example, to link <Leader>, to :FlowRun and <Leader>l to :FlowToggleLock you can add the following to your $HOME/.vimrc file:

# $HOME/.vimrc
map <Leader>, :FlowRun<CR>
map <Leader>l :FlowToggleLock<CR>


Why use python instead of entirely native vim-script?

It's definitely possible to write the entirety of this plugin in vimscript, but I've found that it s more intuitive to use python. It's a pretty standard vim dependency and allows for testing (coming soon) and a better maintenance/development experience. The vimscript surface area is super minimal and can be found #here.

Why not use foo plugin?

Plugins exist for many different runtimes/languages etc in vim, but attempting to set up Vim for every unique project is tedious and requires many different plugins. With vim-flow you have a common interface to running, testing and developing within a project.

By using shell script, you can do more things the way you'd like.

Why a flow file?

Well, yaml is pretty easy to update and it's an interesting idea to create flow files for the projects you work on. In future iterations, we may add support to run flows from outside of vim.


A way to develop from within vim






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