This is a monorepo containing:
- Theia Server Proxy Extension - Library enabling third party web applications to be served via Theia
- Theia Server Proxy IFrame - Widget/UI elements for generic iframe support in theia
- Theia Server Proxy List Extension - UI to show all running server proxies. Optional but useful
- Theia Jupyter Extension - Jupyter Notebook extension for Theia
- Theia RStudio Extension - RStudio extension for Theia
- Theia Port Proxy Extension - Port Proxy extension, enabling redirecting of traffic from an arbitrary port
- Example - Browser example
Quick demo:
docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 jonrad/theia-datascience
# Then go to http://localhost:3000
To use your own files, mount the directory you want to work with:
docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 -v <YOUR_DIRECTORY>:/home/project jonrad/theia-datascience
# Then go to http://localhost:3000
Install nvm.
curl -o- | bash
Install npm and node.
nvm install 12
nvm use 12
Install yarn.
npm install -g yarn
yarn start:browser
yarn rebuild:browser
cd browser-app
yarn start
or: launch Start Browser Backend
configuration from VS code.
Open http://localhost:3000 in the browser.
Not yet supported
Start watching all packages, including browser-app
, of your application with
yarn watch
or watch only specific packages with
cd theia-server-proxy-extension
yarn watch
and the browser example.
cd browser-app
yarn watch
Run the example as described above
Not yet supported
yarn build:docker
yarn publish:docker
It's not worth the effort getting rstudio server to work on mac. So I found it best to just iterate within the docker container. Follow the following steps
Prerequisite: Install
Build the docker image from above (Alternatively, if you haven't changed the packages, you can just use the already published docker image)
In this directory start up the container
docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 $(fd -d 1 | sed "s#^\(.*\)#-v $PWD/\1:/home/theia/\1#" | tr '\n' ' ') --entrypoint bash jonrad/theia-datascience
yarn start:browser
Now you can still develop locally and even run yarn watch
but you'll have to start the main app in the docker container