#Meatmaps ###About Meatmaps is still in development. Should you decide to setup your own instance please check this repository regularly for updates.
###Bugs Please report any errors to Jordan Wright / @JordanLeft.
###Known Issues
- Meatcubes in the exact same location overlap each other
- Counter needed over Meatcube clusters
###Future Enchancements
- Allow users to create and administer "Meatups"
- Add "Meatups" location to meatmaps
- Users can change Passwords
- PHP 5.5.3 or Higher
- MySQL Database
- Twitter apps account (apps.twitter.com) to enable Signin with twitter
###Twitter oAuth / HybridAuth Lib You will need to create a twitter application for your instance. To do this, login to apps.twitter.com and create a new application. The application only needs read only access. Insert the API Key and API Secret into line 59 of the hybridauth config file in /core/ directory. If you'd rather not use twitter signin, change line 58 of the same file to "false".
- Download and unzip this repo
- Set your servers root directory to the root of this folder
- Modify and rename /core/config.*.php files
- Start server